049 The Healing of Aeneas & Tabitha (Acts 9:32-43) 1 of 2

1 year ago

CURRENT EVENTS UPDATE: (1) Israel at War 11/19/2023 as the ground war in Gaza continues, actor John Voight speaks out against his daughter Joline's typical ignorance, Poland's UEFA soccer team joins Israel for 1 minute moment of silence, (2) The false false Fedsurrection of 1/6/21 continues to be exposed as we show video clips including segments of which were released by Speaker Mike Johnson from 40,000+ hours of video.

In our study, we turn our attention from Saul back to Peter who travels from Jerusalem to Lydda to heal Aeneas and then to Joppa in order to heal and raise Tabitha from the dead, all for the purpose of confirming the Resurrection of Jesus Christ and transitioning Jews from Mosaic Law to the Gospel of the grace of God.

Also Reference: 1 Chronicles 8:12, Romans 8:1-4


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