Supporting the Zionist Devils Will Bring On World-Wide Martial Law, Lockdowns, & Tyranny

1 year ago

The world is at a crossroads with two possible timelines unfolding. One path leads to justice being served and prosecutions for War Crimes. The other leads to the Collective West descending into absolute despotism, complete with "show me your papers" lockdowns, Checkpoints, Martial Law, and the suspension of the Constitution.

Our nations have been flooded with migrants for a reason, and this is all part of their plan. Epstein was a MOSSAD agent, and our world leaders became tyrannical because they're being blackmailed by Israel because they've committed crimes against children. Covid was the first attempt to bring about the totalitarian One World Government, Israel's Genocide against the people of Palestine is phase 2.

The decision is now ours, if we continue to stand beside the Zionist Devil, we'll set into motion a sequence of events that will plunge the world into darkness. However, if we rally for Peace and demand a stop to the clearest example of Ethnic Cleansing in generations, then a door will open for Justice to be served. It is up to us, so we must choose wisely.

Thank you for supporting this channel, I could not do this without your help. Here's the link

Here's my mailing address. I know what I'm doing is exceedingly dangerous, so I've been a ghost for years and flying under the radar. Nothing is in my name, so if you're sending a check, make it payable to cash
11-1673 Richmond Street Suite 222
London, Ontario

Links to channels that have been speaking the truth about Israel
Dustin Nemos:
TheCrowhouse (Max Igan):
Stew Peters:

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