Deepening Our Relationship With The Holy Spirit - Part 2 - 11/12/23

1 year ago

In our last message on 10/29/23, we examined in Scripture the work of the Holy Spirit in the spiritual maturation of the saints and established that a person cannot come into the full measure of Christ without the inward work of the Holy Spirit.

In this message, which will become Part 2, we continue on from the last message and look more deeply at the process of cooperating with the Holy Spirit in His inward work, so that, as we established in the last message, we may come into freedom in places where we may be stuck in our journey into readiness. But not only that, as important as it is..., but there is also the aspect of the joy of becoming a friend to the Holy Spirit, because after all, He is going to be with us forever (John 14:16). There is a substantial blessing awaiting there that many, if not most, believers have not fully appropriated. But it was the intent of Jesus that we have that type of relationship with the Holy Spirit when He (the Holy Spirit) was given to us as our Comforter, our Guide, and the One who is to lead us into all truth.

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