Who Controls Your Opinion?

1 year ago

This is why it is imperative to seek out a range of information and not rely solely on legacy media, who are owned by the same mega-companies that own pharmaceutical manufacturers, travel companies, food producers and social media. These mega companies are in partnership with the World Economic Forum, national governments and the United Nations.

Complex public-private partnerships intend on making their control over our lives official via networks of globalised legislation which will override national sovereignty. The most pressing of which are being implemented via the UN health agency, the World Health Organization.

This is not the only way however. For example, Blackrock have just contracted with the New Zealand government at the cost of $2 billion to work towards making New Zealand the first country to have 100% "renewable" energy. If you look at "renewable" energy, it is in fact extremely damaging to the planet and to society in the form of using slave labour to mine the minerals required. It has a short shelf life and will result in energy poverty leading to an impoverishment of society. However, it is highly lucrative to the billionaire class, who must sell it to the people as being for their benefit.

Peaceful civil disobedience is the only way out of this mess until the world's best and most ethical brains work out a better way forward. They are working hard, with multiple collaborations at play. Once enough understand and stop siding with corrupted authority and following nonsensical rules which ultimately harm themselves, people power can win this.

VIDEO SOURCE: https://www.facebook.com/reel/1471212773700263

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