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Jesus explains... Meteor in Prussia, the threefold Sign and its Meaning ❤️ Heavenly Gifts
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The Lord's Revelations through Jakob Lorber...
Heavenly Gifts, Vol. 2, Chap. 134
Jesus explains... Meteor in Prussia... The threefold Sign and its Meaning
December 20, 1846
The Lord says:
1. You wish to know the meaning of this threefold sign that was first seen in the form of a sword, then of an angle and finally of a circle, in the shape of which it ultimately vanished. Behold, this sign in the sky is an expressive one indeed. And yet, so far, none inhabiting the land wherein it appeared understand it. However, they all will come to know it throughout three eras soon to follow.
2. The sword you will assume to signify war, won't you? Yes, war, but what kind of war?! The angle you will assume to portend a political, learned and well-measured opposition? Yes, such a one, but what kind opposition?! And the circle you will assume to mean a segregation, an enclosure on all sides? Yes, a segregation and enclosure on all sides, but what kind of segregation?
3. I tell you: Everything will be topsy-turvy: War with quills, war with empty pockets, war with thieves and robbers, of whom there already are about 25000 or so in B. (Berlin?) alone, who live on nothing but swearing, stealing, cheating, burglary and robbery. That is a blessing of communism! And thereafter: War with the sword, with misery, with fornication, with the devil, with oneself, with morality, with humanity, with religion, with worldly wisdom, and even war with death itself!
4. And once this truly multifaceted war will have been fought out, the protractor will be taken up to measure and assess everything critically and mathematically, what every man may possess, eat and know, what he may be allowed to speak and write. That is the angle, the protractor, always omitting three quarters of the circle. And this will turn out to be the learned proposition, but it will soon come to face a fierce opposition!
5. Finally, a circle will be drawn, separation will occur, and some will consider themselves to be the only perfect ones. That will be the circle!
6. But I will surreptitiously take the liberty to put an end to this foolish circle. How? I know how, all too well! And that will be the end of this exceedingly stupid song of this generation.
7. However, can you not see the northern polar bear honing his teeth on the ice? The meat of the seal no longer tickles his palate. For long now he has yearned for the cattle and sheep of the South. Soon he will have sharpened the molar teeth in the back of his mouth into fangs. And then, woe to the fat cattle and the plump sheep of the South! I tell you, their fat will surely curdle along the icy shores of Siberia!
8. Behold, he is one who fears not the goosequills, for he merely abhors them. No, gold, silver, horsemen, shotguns and cannons are his weapons of choice! Woe to those set against him, once he leaves his camp! I tell you, he will triumph by might and tyrannical magnanimity! And that soon, quite soon, all too soon even, should the cattle and sheep of the South not transform themselves into lions shortly, that is, into lions of wisdom, and lions of true, inner strength.
9. There you have your meteor! But do not believe that all this is destined to happen merely because I have prophesied it to you this way. No, there is a possibility for it to happen, if these people refuse to change, and instead choose to persist in their great folly! Only then shall I pronounce the inexorable and irrevocable Amen.Text & Audio to Video Content...
Heavenly Gifts Overview...
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Video Playlist Jakob Lorber...
The Lord's Revelations through Jakob Lorber...
Heavenly Gifts, Vol. 2, Chap. 134
Jesus explains... Meteor in Prussia... The threefold Sign and its Meaning
December 20, 1846
The Lord says:
1. You wish to know the meaning of this threefold sign that was first seen in the form of a sword, then of an angle and finally of a circle, in the shape of which it ultimately vanished. Behold, this sign in the sky is an expressive one indeed. And yet, so far, none inhabiting the land wherein it appeared understand it. However, they all will come to know it throughout three eras soon to follow.
2. The sword you will assume to signify war, won't you? Yes, war, but what kind of war?! The angle you will assume to portend a political, learned and well-measured opposition? Yes, such a one, but what kind opposition?! And the circle you will assume to mean a segregation, an enclosure on all sides? Yes, a segregation and enclosure on all sides, but what kind of segregation?
3. I tell you: Everything will be topsy-turvy: War with quills, war with empty pockets, war with thieves and robbers, of whom there already are about 25000 or so in B. (Berlin?) alone, who live on nothing but swearing, stealing, cheating, burglary and robbery. That is a blessing of communism! And thereafter: War with the sword, with misery, with fornication, with the devil, with oneself, with morality, with humanity, with religion, with worldly wisdom, and even war with death itself!
4. And once this truly multifaceted war will have been fought out, the protractor will be taken up to measure and assess everything critically and mathematically, what every man may possess, eat and know, what he may be allowed to speak and write. That is the angle, the protractor, always omitting three quarters of the circle. And this will turn out to be the learned proposition, but it will soon come to face a fierce opposition!
5. Finally, a circle will be drawn, separation will occur, and some will consider themselves to be the only perfect ones. That will be the circle!
6. But I will surreptitiously take the liberty to put an end to this foolish circle. How? I know how, all too well! And that will be the end of this exceedingly stupid song of this generation.
7. However, can you not see the northern polar bear honing his teeth on the ice? The meat of the seal no longer tickles his palate. For long now he has yearned for the cattle and sheep of the South. Soon he will have sharpened the molar teeth in the back of his mouth into fangs. And then, woe to the fat cattle and the plump sheep of the South! I tell you, their fat will surely curdle along the icy shores of Siberia!
8. Behold, he is one who fears not the goosequills, for he merely abhors them. No, gold, silver, horsemen, shotguns and cannons are his weapons of choice! Woe to those set against him, once he leaves his camp! I tell you, he will triumph by might and tyrannical magnanimity! And that soon, quite soon, all too soon even, should the cattle and sheep of the South not transform themselves into lions shortly, that is, into lions of wisdom, and lions of true, inner strength.
9. There you have your meteor! But do not believe that all this is destined to happen merely because I have prophesied it to you this way. No, there is a possibility for it to happen, if these people refuse to change, and instead choose to persist in their great folly! Only then shall I pronounce the inexorable and irrevocable Amen.Text & Audio to Video Content...
Heavenly Gifts Overview...
Channel Overview...
Video Playlist Jakob Lorber...
The Lord's Revelations through Jakob Lorber...
Heavenly Gifts, Vol. 2, Chap. 134
Jesus explains... Meteor in Prussia... The threefold Sign and its Meaning
December 20, 1846
The Lord says:
1. You wish to know the meaning of this threefold sign that was first seen in the form of a sword, then of an angle and finally of a circle, in the shape of which it ultimately vanished. Behold, this sign in the sky is an expressive one indeed. And yet, so far, none inhabiting the land wherein it appeared understand it. However, they all will come to know it throughout three eras soon to follow.
2. The sword you will assume to signify war, won't you? Yes, war, but what kind of war?! The angle you will assume to portend a political, learned and well-measured opposition? Yes, such a one, but what kind opposition?! And the circle you will assume to mean a segregation, an enclosure on all sides? Yes, a segregation and enclosure on all sides, but what kind of segregation?
3. I tell you: Everything will be topsy-turvy: War with quills, war with empty pockets, war with thieves and robbers, of whom there already are about 25000 or so in B. (Berlin?) alone, who live on nothing but swearing, stealing, cheating, burglary and robbery. That is a blessing of communism! And thereafter: War with the sword, with misery, with fornication, with the devil, with oneself, with morality, with humanity, with religion, with worldly wisdom, and even war with death itself!
4. And once this truly multifaceted war will have been fought out, the protractor will be taken up to measure and assess everything critically and mathematically, what every man may possess, eat and know, what he may be allowed to speak and write. That is the angle, the protractor, always omitting three quarters of the circle. And this will turn out to be the learned proposition, but it will soon come to face a fierce opposition!
5. Finally, a circle will be drawn, separation will occur, and some will consider themselves to be the only perfect ones. That will be the circle!
6. But I will surreptitiously take the liberty to put an end to this foolish circle. How? I know how, all too well! And that will be the end of this exceedingly stupid song of this generation.
7. However, can you not see the northern polar bear honing his teeth on the ice? The meat of the seal no longer tickles his palate. For long now he has yearned for the cattle and sheep of the South. Soon he will have sharpened the molar teeth in the back of his mouth into fangs. And then, woe to the fat cattle and the plump sheep of the South! I tell you, their fat will surely curdle along the icy shores of Siberia!
8. Behold, he is one who fears not the goosequills, for he merely abhors them. No, gold, silver, horsemen, shotguns and cannons are his weapons of choice! Woe to those set against him, once he leaves his camp! I tell you, he will triumph by might and tyrannical magnanimity! And that soon, quite soon, all too soon even, should the cattle and sheep of the South not transform themselves into lions shortly, that is, into lions of wisdom, and lions of true, inner strength.
9. There you have your meteor! But do not believe that all this is destined to happen merely because I have prophesied it to you this way. No, there is a possibility for it to happen, if these people refuse to change, and instead choose to persist in their great folly! Only then shall I pronounce the inexorable and irrevocable Amen.Text & Audio to Video Content...
Heavenly Gifts Overview...
Channel Overview...
Video Playlist Jakob Lorber...
The Lord's Revelations through Jakob Lorber...
Heavenly Gifts, Vol. 2, Chap. 134
Jesus explains... Meteor in Prussia... The threefold Sign and its Meaning
December 20, 1846
The Lord says:
1. You wish to know the meaning of this threefold sign that was first seen in the form of a sword, then of an angle and finally of a circle, in the shape of which it ultimately vanished. Behold, this sign in the sky is an expressive one indeed. And yet, so far, none inhabiting the land wherein it appeared understand it. However, they all will come to know it throughout three eras soon to follow.
2. The sword you will assume to signify war, won't you? Yes, war, but what kind of war?! The angle you will assume to portend a political, learned and well-measured opposition? Yes, such a one, but what kind opposition?! And the circle you will assume to mean a segregation, an enclosure on all sides? Yes, a segregation and enclosure on all sides, but what kind of segregation?
3. I tell you: Everything will be topsy-turvy: War with quills, war with empty pockets, war with thieves and robbers, of whom there already are about 25000 or so in B. (Berlin?) alone, who live on nothing but swearing, stealing, cheating, burglary and robbery. That is a blessing of communism! And thereafter: War with the sword, with misery, with fornication, with the devil, with oneself, with morality, with humanity, with religion, with worldly wisdom, and even war with death itself!
4. And once this truly multifaceted war will have been fought out, the protractor will be taken up to measure and assess everything critically and mathematically, what every man may possess, eat and know, what he may be allowed to speak and write. That is the angle, the protractor, always omitting three quarters of the circle. And this will turn out to be the learned proposition, but it will soon come to face a fierce opposition!
5. Finally, a circle will be drawn, separation will occur, and some will consider themselves to be the only perfect ones. That will be the circle!
6. But I will surreptitiously take the liberty to put an end to this foolish circle. How? I know how, all too well! And that will be the end of this exceedingly stupid song of this generation.
7. However, can you not see the northern polar bear honing his teeth on the ice? The meat of the seal no longer tickles his palate. For long now he has yearned for the cattle and sheep of the South. Soon he will have sharpened the molar teeth in the back of his mouth into fangs. And then, woe to the fat cattle and the plump sheep of the South! I tell you, their fat will surely curdle along the icy shores of Siberia!
8. Behold, he is one who fears not the goosequills, for he merely abhors them. No, gold, silver, horsemen, shotguns and cannons are his weapons of choice! Woe to those set against him, once he leaves his camp! I tell you, he will triumph by might and tyrannical magnanimity! And that soon, quite soon, all too soon even, should the cattle and sheep of the South not transform themselves into lions shortly, that is, into lions of wisdom, and lions of true, inner strength.
9. There you have your meteor! But do not believe that all this is destined to happen merely because I have prophesied it to you this way. No, there is a possibility for it to happen, if these people refuse to change, and instead choose to persist in their great folly! Only then shall I pronounce the inexorable and irrevocable Amen.Text & Audio to Video Content...
Heavenly Gifts Overview...
Channel Overview...
Video Playlist Jakob Lorber...
The Lord's Revelations through Jakob Lorber...
Heavenly Gifts, Vol. 2, Chap. 134
Jesus explains... Meteor in Prussia... The threefold Sign and its Meaning
December 20, 1846
The Lord says:
1. You wish to know the meaning of this threefold sign that was first seen in the form of a sword, then of an angle and finally of a circle, in the shape of which it ultimately vanished. Behold, this sign in the sky is an expressive one indeed. And yet, so far, none inhabiting the land wherein it appeared understand it. However, they all will come to know it throughout three eras soon to follow.
2. The sword you will assume to signify war, won't you? Yes, war, but what kind of war?! The angle you will assume to portend a political, learned and well-measured opposition? Yes, such a one, but what kind opposition?! And the circle you will assume to mean a segregation, an enclosure on all sides? Yes, a segregation and enclosure on all sides, but what kind of segregation?
3. I tell you: Everything will be topsy-turvy: War with quills, war with empty pockets, war with thieves and robbers, of whom there already are about 25000 or so in B. (Berlin?) alone, who live on nothing but swearing, stealing, cheating, burglary and robbery. That is a blessing of communism! And thereafter: War with the sword, with misery, with fornication, with the devil, with oneself, with morality, with humanity, with religion, with worldly wisdom, and even war with death itself!
4. And once this truly multifaceted war will have been fought out, the protractor will be taken up to measure and assess everything critically and mathematically, what every man may possess, eat and know, what he may be allowed to speak and write. That is the angle, the protractor, always omitting three quarters of the circle. And this will turn out to be the learned proposition, but it will soon come to face a fierce opposition!
5. Finally, a circle will be drawn, separation will occur, and some will consider themselves to be the only perfect ones. That will be the circle!
6. But I will surreptitiously take the liberty to put an end to this foolish circle. How? I know how, all too well! And that will be the end of this exceedingly stupid song of this generation.
7. However, can you not see the northern polar bear honing his teeth on the ice? The meat of the seal no longer tickles his palate. For long now he has yearned for the cattle and sheep of the South. Soon he will have sharpened the molar teeth in the back of his mouth into fangs. And then, woe to the fat cattle and the plump sheep of the South! I tell you, their fat will surely curdle along the icy shores of Siberia!
8. Behold, he is one who fears not the goosequills, for he merely abhors them. No, gold, silver, horsemen, shotguns and cannons are his weapons of choice! Woe to those set against him, once he leaves his camp! I tell you, he will triumph by might and tyrannical magnanimity! And that soon, quite soon, all too soon even, should the cattle and sheep of the South not transform themselves into lions shortly, that is, into lions of wisdom, and lions of true, inner strength.
9. There you have your meteor! But do not believe that all this is destined to happen merely because I have prophesied it to you this way. No, there is a possibility for it to happen, if these people refuse to change, and instead choose to persist in their great folly! Only then shall I pronounce the inexorable and irrevocable Amen.Text & Audio to Video Content...
Heavenly Gifts Overview...
Channel Overview...
Video Playlist Jakob Lorber...
The Lord's Revelations through Jakob Lorber...
Heavenly Gifts, Vol. 2, Chap. 134
Jesus explains... Meteor in Prussia... The threefold Sign and its Meaning
December 20, 1846
The Lord says:
1. You wish to know the meaning of this threefold sign that was first seen in the form of a sword, then of an angle and finally of a circle, in the shape of which it ultimately vanished. Behold, this sign in the sky is an expressive one indeed. And yet, so far, none inhabiting the land wherein it appeared understand it. However, they all will come to know it throughout three eras soon to follow.
2. The sword you will assume to signify war, won't you? Yes, war, but what kind of war?! The angle you will assume to portend a political, learned and well-measured opposition? Yes, such a one, but what kind opposition?! And the circle you will assume to mean a segregation, an enclosure on all sides? Yes, a segregation and enclosure on all sides, but what kind of segregation?
3. I tell you: Everything will be topsy-turvy: War with quills, war with empty pockets, war with thieves and robbers, of whom there already are about 25000 or so in B. (Berlin?) alone, who live on nothing but swearing, stealing, cheating, burglary and robbery. That is a blessing of communism! And thereafter: War with the sword, with misery, with fornication, with the devil, with oneself, with morality, with humanity, with religion, with worldly wisdom, and even war with death itself!
4. And once this truly multifaceted war will have been fought out, the protractor will be taken up to measure and assess everything critically and mathematically, what every man may possess, eat and know, what he may be allowed to speak and write. That is the angle, the protractor, always omitting three quarters of the circle. And this will turn out to be the learned proposition, but it will soon come to face a fierce opposition!
5. Finally, a circle will be drawn, separation will occur, and some will consider themselves to be the only perfect ones. That will be the circle!
6. But I will surreptitiously take the liberty to put an end to this foolish circle. How? I know how, all too well! And that will be the end of this exceedingly stupid song of this generation.
7. However, can you not see the northern polar bear honing his teeth on the ice? The meat of the seal no longer tickles his palate. For long now he has yearned for the cattle and sheep of the South. Soon he will have sharpened the molar teeth in the back of his mouth into fangs. And then, woe to the fat cattle and the plump sheep of the South! I tell you, their fat will surely curdle along the icy shores of Siberia!
8. Behold, he is one who fears not the goosequills, for he merely abhors them. No, gold, silver, horsemen, shotguns and cannons are his weapons of choice! Woe to those set against him, once he leaves his camp! I tell you, he will triumph by might and tyrannical magnanimity! And that soon, quite soon, all too soon even, should the cattle and sheep of the South not transform themselves into lions shortly, that is, into lions of wisdom, and lions of true, inner strength.
9. There you have your meteor! But do not believe that all this is destined to happen merely because I have prophesied it to you this way. No, there is a possibility for it to happen, if these people refuse to change, and instead choose to persist in their great folly! Only then shall I pronounce the inexorable and irrevocable Amen.Text & Audio to Video Content...
Heavenly Gifts Overview...
Channel Overview...
Video Playlist Jakob Lorber...
The Lord's Revelations through Jakob Lorber...
Heavenly Gifts, Vol. 2, Chap. 134
Jesus explains... Meteor in Prussia... The threefold Sign and its Meaning
December 20, 1846
The Lord says:
1. You wish to know the meaning of this threefold sign that was first seen in the form of a sword, then of an angle and finally of a circle, in the shape of which it ultimately vanished. Behold, this sign in the sky is an expressive one indeed. And yet, so far, none inhabiting the land wherein it appeared understand it. However, they all will come to know it throughout three eras soon to follow.
2. The sword you will assume to signify war, won't you? Yes, war, but what kind of war?! The angle you will assume to portend a political, learned and well-measured opposition? Yes, such a one, but what kind opposition?! And the circle you will assume to mean a segregation, an enclosure on all sides? Yes, a segregation and enclosure on all sides, but what kind of segregation?
3. I tell you: Everything will be topsy-turvy: War with quills, war with empty pockets, war with thieves and robbers, of whom there already are about 25000 or so in B. (Berlin?) alone, who live on nothing but swearing, stealing, cheating, burglary and robbery. That is a blessing of communism! And thereafter: War with the sword, with misery, with fornication, with the devil, with oneself, with morality, with humanity, with religion, with worldly wisdom, and even war with death itself!
4. And once this truly multifaceted war will have been fought out, the protractor will be taken up to measure and assess everything critically and mathematically, what every man may possess, eat and know, what he may be allowed to speak and write. That is the angle, the protractor, always omitting three quarters of the circle. And this will turn out to be the learned proposition, but it will soon come to face a fierce opposition!
5. Finally, a circle will be drawn, separation will occur, and some will consider themselves to be the only perfect ones. That will be the circle!
6. But I will surreptitiously take the liberty to put an end to this foolish circle. How? I know how, all too well! And that will be the end of this exceedingly stupid song of this generation.
7. However, can you not see the northern polar bear honing his teeth on the ice? The meat of the seal no longer tickles his palate. For long now he has yearned for the cattle and sheep of the South. Soon he will have sharpened the molar teeth in the back of his mouth into fangs. And then, woe to the fat cattle and the plump sheep of the South! I tell you, their fat will surely curdle along the icy shores of Siberia!
8. Behold, he is one who fears not the goosequills, for he merely abhors them. No, gold, silver, horsemen, shotguns and cannons are his weapons of choice! Woe to those set against him, once he leaves his camp! I tell you, he will triumph by might and tyrannical magnanimity! And that soon, quite soon, all too soon even, should the cattle and sheep of the South not transform themselves into lions shortly, that is, into lions of wisdom, and lions of true, inner strength.
9. There you have your meteor! But do not believe that all this is destined to happen merely because I have prophesied it to you this way. No, there is a possibility for it to happen, if these people refuse to change, and instead choose to persist in their great folly! Only then shall I pronounce the inexorable and irrevocable Amen.Text & Audio to Video Content...
Heavenly Gifts Overview...
Channel Overview...
Video Playlist Jakob Lorber...
The Lord's Revelations through Jakob Lorber...
Heavenly Gifts, Vol. 2, Chap. 134
Jesus explains... Meteor in Prussia... The threefold Sign and its Meaning
December 20, 1846
The Lord says:
1. You wish to know the meaning of this threefold sign that was first seen in the form of a sword, then of an angle and finally of a circle, in the shape of which it ultimately vanished. Behold, this sign in the sky is an expressive one indeed. And yet, so far, none inhabiting the land wherein it appeared understand it. However, they all will come to know it throughout three eras soon to follow.
2. The sword you will assume to signify war, won't you? Yes, war, but what kind of war?! The angle you will assume to portend a political, learned and well-measured opposition? Yes, such a one, but what kind opposition?! And the circle you will assume to mean a segregation, an enclosure on all sides? Yes, a segregation and enclosure on all sides, but what kind of segregation?
3. I tell you: Everything will be topsy-turvy: War with quills, war with empty pockets, war with thieves and robbers, of whom there already are about 25000 or so in B. (Berlin?) alone, who live on nothing but swearing, stealing, cheating, burglary and robbery. That is a blessing of communism! And thereafter: War with the sword, with misery, with fornication, with the devil, with oneself, with morality, with humanity, with religion, with worldly wisdom, and even war with death itself!
4. And once this truly multifaceted war will have been fought out, the protractor will be taken up to measure and assess everything critically and mathematically, what every man may possess, eat and know, what he may be allowed to speak and write. That is the angle, the protractor, always omitting three quarters of the circle. And this will turn out to be the learned proposition, but it will soon come to face a fierce opposition!
5. Finally, a circle will be drawn, separation will occur, and some will consider themselves to be the only perfect ones. That will be the circle!
6. But I will surreptitiously take the liberty to put an end to this foolish circle. How? I know how, all too well! And that will be the end of this exceedingly stupid song of this generation.
7. However, can you not see the northern polar bear honing his teeth on the ice? The meat of the seal no longer tickles his palate. For long now he has yearned for the cattle and sheep of the South. Soon he will have sharpened the molar teeth in the back of his mouth into fangs. And then, woe to the fat cattle and the plump sheep of the South! I tell you, their fat will surely curdle along the icy shores of Siberia!
8. Behold, he is one who fears not the goosequills, for he merely abhors them. No, gold, silver, horsemen, shotguns and cannons are his weapons of choice! Woe to those set against him, once he leaves his camp! I tell you, he will triumph by might and tyrannical magnanimity! And that soon, quite soon, all too soon even, should the cattle and sheep of the South not transform themselves into lions shortly, that is, into lions of wisdom, and lions of true, inner strength.
9. There you have your meteor! But do not believe that all this is destined to happen merely because I have prophesied it to you this way. No, there is a possibility for it to happen, if these people refuse to change, and instead choose to persist in their great folly! Only then shall I pronounce the inexorable and irrevocable Amen.
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