March 19, 2011 🎺 My Predestination ... I do with My Children as I please...Trumpet Call of God

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The Lord explains... My Predestination... I do, as I please, with My Children

March 19, 2011 - From The Lord, Our God and Savior – The Word of The Lord Spoken to Timothy, For His Wife, and For All Those Who Have Ears to Hear

Regarding her concerns about a child’s testimony of Heaven, which was written in a book. Beloved, why do you doubt the testimony of a young child? Says The Lord…

The answer to your query is this… I am The Lord. And if I am He, shall I not do as I please with My created ones? Therefore all I have spoken is true, and that revealed is true also. Tell Me, what is faith and what answers do you require?

Let not the greed of others skew your vision, nor cloud your discernment when presented with the truth. Rather lean upon My grace and receive of My spirit, and be at peace, for all shall be made clear in due time. For all I do is right and good, every word I speak is Truth. I am The Lord.

Therefore, Beloved, let it be known to you… If I take a child from the womb, or a child is lost to a mother, the child does indeed return to Me; even those murdered are Mine and dwell with Me where I am. Yet once they return to Me, I do with them as I please. I am The Lord.

Yet here is wisdom and understanding, you have not yet considered… Look upon your husband, Beloved. What is he? Who is he? When was he formed, and when did he come into being? Consider, if you are able… Timothy is My son who I formed in the womb of his mother, yet his existence was known to Me from the beginning. Even before time was time did I know him and create him in My mind; and by My understanding was his existence written and his name placed in My book… A son of God and a son of men, a man of God and a man of the earth, My own beloved who I had placed in My garden, made alive by My breath.

From the beginning until time has lost all meaning, he is Timothy, My son, a man. Even when the time comes for his transformation his identity shall in no wise change, though his body shall be transformed.

Therefore, before he was formed in his mother’s womb, he was with Me… A light, a boy to become a man, My servant, a prophet. And if during gestation he was lost, he would have returned to Me, to stay or to return as he was at the first, a boy who would become a man, a living soul, unique… And so it is with all My sons and daughters. I am The Lord.

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