How To Pronounce "Account"

1 year ago

an oral or written description of particular events or situations; narrative:
an account of the meetings; an account of the trip.

an explanatory statement of conduct, as to a superior.

a statement of reasons, causes, etc., explaining some event.

reason; basis:
On this account I'm refusing your offer.

importance; worth; value; consequence:
things of no account.

estimation; judgment:
In his account it was an excellent piece of work.

an amount of money deposited with a bank, as in a checking or savings account:
My account is now with Third National.

Also called charge account. an accommodation or service extended by a business to a customer or client permitting the charging of goods or services, the returning for credit of unsatisfactory merchandise, etc.:
Do you have an account at this store? My account with the restaurant is past due.

a statement of financial transactions.


a formal record of the debits and credits relating to the person, business, etc., named at the head of the ledger account.

a balance of a specified period's receipts and expenditures.


a business relation in which credit is used.

any customer or client, especially one carried on a regular credit basis.

Also called advertising account. the business assigned to an advertising agency by a client:
The toothpaste account was awarded to a new agency last year.

Digital Technology. an electronic identity, as a username and its associated data, assigned to an individual or group for secure, personalized access to a website, network, digital service, etc.:
I don’t access my work account from my home computer.
Your email account has been hacked!

verb (used without object)
to give an explanation (usually followed by for):
to account for the accident.

to answer concerning one's conduct, duties, etc. (usually followed by for):
to account for the missing documents.

to provide a report on money received, kept, and spent.

to cause (usually followed by for):
The humidity accounts for our discomfort. His reckless driving accounted for the accident.

verb (used with object)
to regard; consider as:
I account myself well paid.

to assign or impute (usually followed by to):
the many virtues accounted to him.

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