111. Vitamin C by Dr. Mignonne Mary

1 year ago

The history of vitamin C as an IV infusion to reverse infectious disease.

The Remedy Room, Founded By Dr. Mignonne Mary In 2013
is a national leader in innovative wellness with a focus on disease prevention, nutritional medicine and Infusion Therapy. The Remedy Room has grown substantially both in size and in scope and continues to educate, empower and heal as many patients as possible.

Dr. Mignonne Mary graduated from LSU Medical School in New Orleans and completed her residency in Internal Medicine at Charity Hospital. She has been in practice since 2001. The Remedy Room is a continuation of the legacy of her father, Dr. Charles Mary, Jr., a pioneer in the field of Infusion Vitamin Therapy.

The Remedy Room is an Innovative wellness clinic focused on optimal nutrition and preventive health through IV hydration, wellness therapy, and personalized medicine.

11:54:25 From Steve : The Fraud-chi was also instrumental in the HIV jab.
11:58:33 From Joy Gentle : At 19, my son's total cholesterol was 116 and LDL 56. He has no (obvious) health issues and is an athlete (who eats a lot of meat and eggs). He hasn't had his levels tested since then (a couple of years ago). This seems way too low to me.
11:59:02 From Martha Stark, MD : That is so disgusting about teaching doctors to prescribe statins!!!
12:01:15 From Susan : Thank you Dr. Lewis for the Cholesterol Articles. Look forward to reading them each day.
12:05:34 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Cliff Fetters - health and wellness of Carmel (Indiana)
12:09:36 From Doris Fellenz To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Dr. Lewis, may we have Dr. Mary's email address and website?
12:10:47 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://theremedyroom.com/
12:11:07 From Doris Fellenz To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Thank you!
12:11:54 From - : Please cover which nutrients should accompany high dose Vitamin C. Iron I think I believe is one, which has been suggested.
12:13:31 From Dr. Tom Lewis : 200 mataireie road, suite 100
12:13:36 From - : I have loved liver my entire life, even as a child. Added to burgers sounds delicious.
12:13:45 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Metairie, LA 70005
12:13:51 From Paul Mondello To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : trying to start video
12:13:55 From Dr. Tom Lewis : 504.301.1670
12:16:18 From Steve : Replying to "Please cover which n..."

From PubMed:

Ascorbic acid and its metabolites, including the ascorbate anion and oxalate, have metal binding capacity and bind iron, copper and other metals.
12:16:21 From - : I now broil prior to cooking any other style, to make sure I get any excess blood. CHICKEN LIVERS are a favorite.
12:17:41 From - : Are the high doses due to today’s physical environment??
12:18:28 From - : How do the “co-factors” affect the type of C used?
12:20:06 From - : THANK YOU Dr. Lewis.
12:21:48 From Steve : Dr. Pam Smith has stated recently high dose Vit-C - not liposomal - is good for colon flush. The idea is to NOT absorb the C, but use the C to increase bifidos
12:22:42 From Joy Gentle : A struggle I have is wanting to look to one substance as a panacea (Vit C, Iodine, MB, etc), but the reality is that we are all deficient in many nutrients - how best to assess overall nutrient deficiency?
12:24:22 From Val Crigger : Does it make sense to go through the trouble to find the l-ascorbic acid as opposed to the regular?
12:26:00 From Martha Stark, MD To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Paul Mondello is not muted.
12:26:24 From Joy Gentle To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Paul Mondello is unmuted
12:26:53 From Martha Stark, MD : Paul Mondello is not muted.
12:27:23 From Susan : Where can we get this product?
12:27:33 From Joy Gentle : Can Dr. Mary repeat the two magnesium products?
12:28:19 From Randi Raphael : Here's A link to the Dr. Mary's Mag https://theremedyroom.com/product/dr-marys-mag-by-xymogen-private-label/
12:28:43 From Steve : Many brands have been bought out by large corporations.
12:28:56 From Randi Raphael : Here's a link to Dr. Mary's Vitamin C https://theremedyroom.com/product/dr-marys-vitamin-c-fine-powder/
12:29:00 From - : Handling of products as well such as irradiating.
12:29:00 From Val Crigger : Was that dr Mary Claire’s magnesium?
12:29:27 From Val Crigger : Thank you for that link!
12:29:38 From Steve : Bravo!
12:29:42 From Randi Raphael : Replying to "Was that dr Mary Cla..."

Dr. Mignonne Mary's Magnesium https://theremedyroom.com/product/dr-marys-mag-by-xymogen-private-label/
12:30:47 From - : I heard magnesium is no longer the first choice in many hospital protocols.
12:32:24 From Steve : What does Dr. Mary think of Valasta?
12:32:36 From Linda Anderson : detox high dose Ascorbate and niacin?
12:32:57 From Randi Raphael : Reacted to "Thank you for that l..." with ❤️
12:37:51 From Steve : Hope it's mentioned the transition between antiox and pro-ox levels of vit-C
12:38:54 From Randi Raphael : 2024 Inflammaging Conference
February 22, 2024 - February 25, 2024 Link: https://qrco.de/beY0gy
12:40:20 From Martha Stark, MD : Dr. David Brownstein
12:41:28 From Martha Stark, MD : It’s in the UK
12:41:45 From Randi Raphael : Yes it's in New Orleans🥳
12:42:24 From Dr. Michelle Gamble / Sankofa Healing : What is it?
12:43:15 From Dr. Tom Lewis : It is called multifocal EKG I believe
12:44:36 From Martha Stark, MD : Multifunction CardioGram (MCG)
12:45:29 From David London : Had MCG test last spring in Plantation, Fl
12:48:01 From - : Physica Energetics Methyl B-12 I feel right away
12:48:16 From David London : Ever use IV ozone alternating with C or silver hydrosol as an IV?
12:48:42 From Steve : The B-vits is not bringing down my homocysteine
12:50:59 From Martha Stark, MD : What about hyperbaric oxygen?
12:51:08 From David London : CELLECT was developed as an ultimat total balanced mineral
12:51:57 From David London : formula to address pancreatic cancer 40+ years ago.
12:53:37 From Joy Gentle : Reacted to "formula to address p..." with 😳
12:53:47 From wetrng : Reacted to "formula to address p..." with 😳
12:55:31 From Doris Fellenz To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : Steve asked: What do you think of Valasta?
12:55:58 From Steve : Replying to "CELLECT was develope..."

three bucks / serving. wow
12:57:14 From eileen armes : What's the name of the book Dr. Mary mentioned is good for muscle testing?
12:57:59 From Susan : I thank God for these wonderful people who are helping us get through the "swamp".
12:58:21 From Martha Stark, MD : Is it like Kaatsu?
13:00:39 From Steve : There's more to the protocol than just the nicotine patches
13:00:52 From - : Many “country” and rural residents never stop chopping lumber
13:01:02 From Martha Stark, MD : How do you take the methylene blue?
13:01:11 From Steve : does she IV methylene blue?
13:02:03 From Susan : Please share that link!
13:02:03 From Martha Stark, MD : Dr. Mary – please put in the chat the name on that bottle f methylene blue…
13:02:18 From Martha Stark, MD : “of methylene blue"
13:03:49 From Steve : couple IV MB with multi frequency laser IV
13:04:48 From Randi Raphael : Here's a link to the Methylene Blue: https://theremedyroom.com/product/methylene-blue/
13:05:17 From Steve : over 25grams is oxidant
13:05:31 From Martha Stark, MD : Replying to "Here's a link to the..."

Thank you, Randi!!!
13:05:37 From Randi Raphael : Replying to "Dr. Mary – please pu..."

Here's a link to the Methylene Blue: https://theremedyroom.com/product/methylene-blue/
13:06:37 From karen : How do you feel about Vit C suppositories for dosing?
13:07:35 From Paul Mondello : does zinc help the absorption of C
13:08:14 From - : Is that cooking method like sous vide?
13:09:55 From Susan : Dr. Lewis, give us that mixture again!
13:10:23 From Dr. Tom Lewis : 2 parts sodium chloride to 1 part potassium chloride and add some magnesium chloride
13:10:31 From Doris Fellenz To Dr. Tom Lewis(privately) : What did you just say, what he puts into everything?
13:10:37 From Dr. Tom Lewis To Doris Fellenz(privately) : Potassium chloride: https://bulkfoods.com/nutritional/potassium-chloride.html
13:10:57 From Susan : Thanks!
13:11:15 From Linda Anderson : May the Blessings Be
13:11:17 From Donna Champagne OKeefe : Thank you!
13:11:19 From Shoshanna : Thank you 🙂
13:11:26 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Potassium chloride: https://bulkfoods.com/nutritional/potassium-chloride.html
13:11:36 From Dr. Tom Lewis : Magnesium chloride from piping rock
13:12:11 From Val Crigger : Thank you!
13:12:53 From Martha Stark, MD : ValAsta
13:13:07 From Dr. Tom Lewis : https://www.drjerrywebernd.com/classes-1/muscle-testing-101
13:14:00 From mira : Buddhist teacher Gil Fronsdal started this week of short talks (7am week days, Pacific) on ... Attitude! all wk:)
13:14:20 From - : BLESSINGS!!

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