Are you a biological reality or are you identifying as literary artwork / Sui Generis

1 year ago

#Adrian, #SuiGeneris,
I am so excited to bring this content to you.

I have been talking for several months with a man who uses the pseudonym of Sui Generis (and it is worth looking up the meaning of that term) about how we can create resource of information that will provide you with a solid foundation of how the “system” functions and how it is used to effect control of those who are ignorant to its operation. Upon the solid foundation then you can layer the additional information to help you navigate more accurately. It is not a simple subject, and yet, the basic assumptions allowing the fraud and the system’s control is simple, and very fragile in its nature, despite being well protected by its enforcers

In this first episode we cover a lot more ground than I initially expected. Including, but not limited to, learning to ask powerful questions to reveal truth, to reveal the biological reality of you, and to show how the system expects you to identify as a piece of literary artwork, and with your behaviour evidencing your capacity it can then control you with diminished rights. We explore the definitions of some key words, explaining how terms of art are a sub-language with words spelled and spoken in the same way can have very different meanings and how this can impact us all in profound ways. And how the lower levels of the ones fraudulently claiming power and authority have be hood winked, and the at no level do they have any evidence to support their erroneous claims. With well chosen questions you can expose the fraud and, once rebutted and exposed, the so called “authorities” have a duty to prevent or correct the fraud, or they themselves become liable for the crime.

You might to grab a pencil and some paper for this episode.

An enlightening conversation that was also a lot of fun.

We refer to some resources during this discussion.

For your reference some useful websites:
Dictionary: Miriam Webster:

Online etymology dictionary:

IATE - EU terminology database:

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