1 year ago

During the era of colonialism, European powers established arbitrary borders without regard for existing ethnic, cultural or tribal divisions. This process split up communities and created artificial nations, leading to a lack of harmony between borders and the distribution of ethnic groups.

The occupiers established systems of ‘pass’ laws, which required individuals to carry passes or permits to move within certain areas. These passes often specified where individuals were allowed to live and work, and violating these restrictions could result in severe penalties.

For instance, in the former French colonies, instead of allowing for the creation of a single, large - and potentially more powerful - state in West Africa, France pushed for the establishment of several independent countries. Today, the result is a continent which is incredibly inconvenient to travel across internally, and a people who are increasingly unaware of each other.

Vusi Thembekwayo, a South African entrepreneur, author and investor, challenges us to resist the imposed importance of these borders, as well as concepts like citizenship, passport and visa. How would freedom of movement across Africa change the quality of life for Africans? Share your thoughts in the comments.

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