1 year ago

*Read below for details on song names and the original sources for the clips, thanks and enjoy :) I am planning on coming out with a collection of 'interesting' ones for those 'special' people out there (you know who you are) in the next couple of weeks! :) PS the last clip has been made into a webm before, but i like it and wanted to do my own :3 0:00 Crazy Little Love - Nuage 0:40 Gas Gas Gas - Manuel 1:06 Deja Vu - Dave Rodgers 1:16 Grand Prix - Mega NRG Man 2:32 Gas Gas Gas - Manuel 2:42 Fly to me to the moon and back - The Spiders from mars 3:18 Hurricane man - Gold-Rake 4:30 Gravity - M.O.E.V 4:46 Don't stop the music - Lou Grant 4:53 Don't turn it off - Go 2 5:43 Night of Fire - Niko 5:56 Spark in the dark (I love delta mix) - Man Power 6:12 The Top - Ken Blast 6:41 Save Me - Leslie Parrish 7:08 Express Love - Mega NRG Man A kind commenter in part 1 referred to me as a god for time stamping the songs that were used in the video. Since I enjoy the title of 'god', I decided to continue the trend :) and some.... Source Videos are linked below in chronological order with all the ones I could find so far

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