Karen Kingstons Perspective – Are We Done Ignoring Evil

1 year ago

Source: https://rumble.com/v3ux0up-karen-kingstons-perspective-are-we-done-ignoring-evil.html Description/Links: Karen Kingston is a Biotech Analyst and med-legal advisor with the expertise required to provide citizens with the evidence and words to understand and articulate the COVID-19 crimes committed against them with mRNA injections under the guise of public health safety and national security.
Unlike other legal and medical experts, Kingston understands the EUA and ‘vaccine’ med-legal landscape, its loop holes, and where Pfizer forfeited their alleged iron-clad immunity so that the Big pharma giant can be criminally prosecuted and convicted, as well as sued.



Links for this episode:

Powerpoint - https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/iswwepw13alayibthvl8i/Kingston-slides.pptx?rlkey=vl6dkg44i71ndnvbd6f5u00ey&dl=0

Vast Armies Of Satanic Beings Arranged In Battle Order Against Us | Derek Prince https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FmxDAf9OwXk

The Term ‘mRNA Vaccine’ is a Red Herring https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/the-term-mrna-vaccine-is-incorrect

Rudolph Steiner's Wisdom from 1917 https://www.bitchute.com/video/WLkk03XVHjBl/

"Breaking News" Pfizer is Liable for the Injury, Diseases and Deaths Caused by their mRNA Injections and They Need to Be Taken off the Market https://karenkingston.substack.com/p/breaking-news-pfizer-is-liable-for


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