SMART Meters: Public Testimony to SCC about Dominion Energy's current and proposed opt-out meter policy and charges (Nov 20 PM Session)

1 year ago

The State Corporation Commission regulates VA utility companies. This is part of Dominion Energy Virginia’s application for a 2023 Biennial Review of Rates, Terms & Conditions. The final SCC decision on the application is due Mar 2024.

64 public witnesses signed up to speak. Many speakers had difficulty connecting.

Speakers opposing smart meters and opt-out charges are at the time stamps below. (* indicates those VAMFA thinks are impactful)

Public Evidentiary hearing is Tue, November 28th, beginning at 10 a.m. (Tyler Bldg, 2nd Floor Courtroom,1300 East Main Street, Richmond, VA) for testimony&evidence by Dominion, respondents & application staff. We understand that the public are welcome if they have something additional to say, provide, or weren't able to speak on Nov 20.

FOLLOW THE SCC CASE (PUR-2023-00101) PROGRESS, including all written comments submitted, at and

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*01:04 Doris Knick, VAMFA Stop Wireless Harms Team Co-Lead
10:06 Herb Henson
15: 41 Diane Henson
19:34 Robyn Picante
25:00 Jean Howard, VAMFA
*28:38 Dr. Lori Leonard, VAMFA Stop Wireless Harms Team
* 36:39 Bill Bathgate, Electrical Engineer from Michigan
42:54 Kay Leones (Electrical HyperSensitivity)
51:32 Debbie Baker
54:00 John
*1:03 Tom DeWeese, American Policy Center, FACT, VAMFA friend
*1:11 Joyce Jackson
*1:14 Lionelle Jackson
*1:19 Ruth Machen, VAMFA
*1:24 Peter Machen, VAMFA
*1:26 Donna Machen, VAMFA Stop Wireless Harms Team
*1:31 Jule Cummings, VAMFA Team
*1:38 Daniel Davies
*1:47 Charles Frohman, National Health Federation, VAMFA, Virginians for Safe Tech
1:52 CA Howard

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