Red Pill Rants Podcast Ep 12: Is PUA better than RP? (FT. @FrenchOG3)

1 year ago

Hey guys, I am a Red Pill nerd and this is my red pill rant podcast episode with @FrenchOG3, an Ex-PUA I met on twitter and we discuss interesting RP and PUA topics, enjoy!

French OG X page, make sure you guys go follow him for more RP/ PUA topics!

Follow me on my other platforms link in the about page!

1:20 1st Q How did you get RP aware?
5:55 How did you learn all these different pills and pua?
9:46 What pill are you?/New Color Pill/ Burgundy Pill?!?
14:35 When did you take semi black pill?/ Looks vs Game
20:05 Should Trinity matter to RP aware individuals?
24:40 Just getting it is more important than trinity?/ Women cant handle power?
26:52 Validation Seeking?
29:39 My rebudle to Frech OG answer/ French responds
32:57 How should one avoid "The Void"?
34:57 Why French did PUA
36:09 RP POV on maxing out Trinity
38:08 French thoughts on men working on Trinity
42:02 RP is mysoginist?/ Hypergamy is out of control?
48:05 My POV on the current landscape
50:22 Proxy Prostitution?
58:14 2nd Q Trinity is a trap? What should mens proximate and ultimate goal be?
1:02:50 Is wanting to create a legacy bad?/ Mental point of origin
1:06:45 Oneitis
1:09:20 Of love and war & BOP
1:15:00 How our mothers influence our perspective
1:16:43 Whats most important in Network?
1:20:05 What do you think of the current state of the RP?
1:24:53 My response to French and current RP misconceptions/ misunderstandings
1:27:57 French's perspective on my rebudle
1:29:30 My explaination to why RP is always on defense
1:31:15 French response to my explaination
1:33:33 My response to French/ Main purpose of RP
1:35:34 French responds
1:37:10 Personal story to why I think the RP perception is important
1:39:25 French take on Zeroing Out
1:41:45 3rd Q Marriage and Divorce rates, what is the solution?
1:48:10 4th Q When did you learn game, how are you staying up date, what are your best golden nuggets of info?/ SMV peak
2:01:35 Sex Transmutation
2:05:17 Final Q Whats your most controversial take?/ Neg hits/ Women sell purity
2:13:40 Personal Cold Approach story where I misused the Neg
2:16:21 French response to my story
2:17:28 Outro

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