Reclaiming America (Ep:38) The Reality of Obamacare in 2023

10 months ago

In 2010 Democrats passed what was known as the "Affordable Care Act". They claimed it would reduce medical costs and improve service. It would reduce insurance costs and provide coverage to those who couldn't afford it and a host of other things including Obama himself famously declaring that you would be able to keep your doctor.

Nancy Pelosi championed the bill and even stated she voted for it despite not having read it. She said and I quote: "We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”.

Well perhaps if she had read the bill she would have seen it for the mistake it is. Contrary to all the promises costs have risen at rates unheard of prior to the passage of the bill while at the same time services have dwindled. Not only was it found that you couldn't keep your doctor but it has caused the family doctor/General Practioner to all but disappear because their costs to have an office skyrocketed while at the same time their ability to earn a living was crushed.

In this episode we take an actual case, that of one of the co-hosts Dan who is a middle-class small business o and discuss the coverages that are available in 2023 and the costs involved which are anything but Affordable.

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