Vocalist/guitarist Eric Leadbetter of Leadbetter Band from Bend, OR is my guest with “Cake” !

1 year ago

Vocalist/guitarist Eric Leadbetter of Leadbetter Band from Bend, OR talks about the latest release “Cake” featuring the title track, “All It Is”, “Charge Me Up”, “Another Light Year”, “Watchdog”, “Make It Your Own” and more! Eric also talks about how he got started recording his first album in ’03 as “Eric’s Cosmic Kitchen” , moving to Boulder, CO playing in coffee shops and establishing Jive Coulis in ’06, and how he formed Leadbetter Band featuring bassist Aaron Moore and drummer Kaleb Kellerher, plus upcoming plans for 2023 and beyond! Check out the amazing Eric Leadbetter of Leadbetter Band on all streaming platforms and www.ericleadbettermusic.com today! #ericleadbetter #leadbetterband #bendoregon #bouldercolorado #cake #allitis #chargemeup #watchdog #makeityourown #ericscosmickitchen #jivecoulis #iheartradio #spotify #applemusic #youtube #anchorfm #bitchute #rumble #mikewagner #themikewagnershow #mikewagnerericleadbetter #themikewagnershowericleadbetter #mikewagnerleadbetterband #themikewagnershowleadbetterband

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