Episode 20 – “Kingdom of None (One): A Palace of Pride”

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In Isaiah 2:8 the pridefulness of man is described as worshipping the works of their own hands. Men are building up their own “kingdoms” and glorying in their own selfish attitudes, boasting in their own accomplishments. People that exalt themselves, lifted up on a pedestal will be cut down when God is robbed of that glory. They build up their kingdom of ONE (which becomes a lonely) place because God’s favor and love is missing. Where there is growth, it is blessings of Satan applauding the expression of pride and the illusion of grandeur. We see many ministries named after the founders; this is because of a desire to leave behind a grand legacy. There is nothing wrong with wanting to leave behind something beneficial and beautiful, but it must be done through humility if there is to be any prosperity. On the Warr Room, we will discuss this concept of kingdom building that doesn’t advance the kingdom of God but feeds counterfeit spirits to breathe more winds of (demonic) doctrine.

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