Fallen Angel by Robbie Robertson ~ We Angels Rise Again Thru Service to the Sacred Feminine Spirit!

1 year ago

Yet another Breathtaking Song from Robbie Robertson's first, self-titled, Solo Album, Fallen Angel, which Robbie dedicated to his former Band Member from, The BAND, Richard Manuel, who was truly an Earth Angel who constantly BLED for the Living upon God's Good Green Earth, in the Face of an Unspeakable Evil that we had allowed to Rule over us...

Over the Years, the Evilness of this World took a Terrible Toll on Richard Manuel's Life, and eventually he fell into a prolonged Battle with Drug and Alcohol Addictions, which led to a further Fall, when he began to steal from those around him, just to fuel his addictions...by the Eighties, Richard Manuel had become only a Shell of what he Truly was, and then on March 4th, 1986, Manuel allegedly committed suicide and died 34 days before his next Born Day, he was 43 years old...

Now, for Robbie Robertson, who had his EYE Open and could See, he Knew what the Life and Death of Richard Manuel Symbolized for us all, that even the Best of Us, the Kindest, and the Most Loving, could succumb to the Evils of this World, and that we must therefore, re-commit Ourselves to Living BETTER LIVES, where we Stood Tall for Simple, but Powerful Symbols of Life and what was Good...

This was the Essential Theme for Robertson's first Solo Album, which I have rated as one of the Best and Most Important Albums of all time...and Fallen Angel is an essential Track from an Album of Essential Tracks, because within both the Song, AND the Video that Robertson created for the Song, he laid out for ALL of Us to See Clearly, that we must Re-Define our Lives by what we are Prepared to Stand Over and Protect, and to Robbie, that was especially Symbolized within the Divinity and Grace of the Sacred Feminine and Mother Earth...

And it is Powerful to Note that Robbie was well Aware of the Truth about Yeshua of Nazareth, Jesus Christ, as within the Song, Robbie used Symbols of Christ and tied them Powerfully to how we Treat and Support All Life, but in particular the Sacred Feminine...Robertson made it clear within the Song's Lyrics, that we were All once Angels that had Fallen and Fallen thru SIN...and that to Resurrect Our Lives, which were Important, we had to embrace the Path and The Way of Jesus Christ, who put Honor, Integrity, Authenticity and Sovereignty Above All else...

'Fallen angel,
Casts a shadow up against the sun,
If my eyes could see
The spirit of the chosen one,

All the tears, all the rage
All the blues in the night,
If my eyes could see
You kneeling in the silver light,

Fallin', fallin', fallin' down
Fallin', fallin' down
Fallin', fallin', fallin' down
Fallin', fallin' down
Fallin', fallin', fallin' down
Fallin', fallin' down...'

Christ IS the Spirit of the Chosen One, and when we Disobey His Mighty Teachings and Sin, we 'Cast a Shadow Up Against the SON, and Not the Sun...ultimately, what this Beautiful Song teaches us, is that we MUST DO what is RIGHT, in all Moments, to Define ourselves, and to give our Lives Purpose, and that this was Walking the Strait and Narrow Way, Aligning our Lives directly to both the Sacred Feminine and Father Heaven...and that by doing these things, we would RISE once more, To God, on a New Earth, one Founded upon the Principles of Jesus Christ Himself, where Kindness was King, and Service to others was The Way of Life...

So, sit back and enjoy this True Masterpiece, note the Gorgeous Background Vocals from Peter Gabriel, and also how Robertson told us that he was they Peter Gabriel was an Earth Angel, even hinting at Gabriel Himself...

God Bless us All,

Love, CF

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Enjoy, Love, CF

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