GEFNFL 11/4/2023 Week 8 Game Review

1 year ago

GEFNFL Week 8, 11-4-2023 Game Review

Hey everyone, here is our GEFNFL week 8 Review. Rain set in as we all got to the field, and with enough players to play an 8 vs 8 game.

Blue team was the first to score with a touchdown pass from Tyler Plesetz to Rookie Jeff Edmonds. Blue Teams defense then stops Red Team on the next drive and then tacks on another touchdown from Tyler Jones to Matt Nowak.

Red Team struggling to get anything going with all the rain, they manage to finally get a touchdown with a great pass from Jon Plesetz to Nick Tehan. (This play was contested at the time but after further review it was confirmed that Nick did have is foot in bounds when he caught the ball.)

Blue Team starts their next drive but gets picked off by Nick Tehan. Red Team starts their next drive at the 5-yard line and gets picked off by Omar Orozco for another Blue touchdown. There was a bit of a battle between the defenses at this point, and then Blue Team puts up another touchdown with a pass from Tyler Plesetz to Todd Polczynski.

Red Team still struggling to get anything going finally manages to pin Blue Team at about the 2-yard line and gets a safety off of a muffed snap. After stopping Blue Teams next drive Red Team then puts up another touchdown from Paul Van Schaick to Nick Tehan.

Blue Team then drives back down on the finale drive of the game and puts up another touchdown with a pass from Kyle Weideman to Johnathon Biersack.

final Score

Blue - 5 TDs, 5 Ints, 1 Sack

Red - 2 TDs, 1 Safety, 2 Ints, 1 Sack

Was another great game.

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