Rachel Ramah Mormon mind control and ritual abuse SRA survivor - the trauma hidden within LGBT

1 year ago

Rachel Ramah was raised mormon. Born into a family of generational Satanists, she is a survivor of Sra and mk ultra

She is the author of Letters To The Bride Groom’, The Girl Raised by Angels and The Broken Hearted Captive: The story of a girl who didn't know she was a daughter

She writes, "I lived bound by trauma and lies. My childhood kept in cages and forced by my parents to survive human trafficking. My adult life defined by addictions, loss, and alphabet letters. Mine was the story of a girl who didn't know she was a daughter

I lived a life broken, outcast, beaten. I felt safest among others in corporate HR policies. I used terms like dysphoria to describe the trauma reaction of looking at myself in the mirror. My Dad wanted a son, and had a girl instead. I was told for so long as a kid I was God's mistake. Trying to be good failed at keeping me safe. So I came out, accepting the lie "God hates me so He made me gay."

After an adult life of running in relationships, labels, and substances leaving a wake among those in my path God showed up, washing me in love, and calling me home. The name Jesus my Dad spoke to justify his abuse and dominion in our home. The true love of Jesus set me free from generational misery and complex PTSD. American Christians would celebrate my repentence from the sin of LGBT. I celebrate the safety I walk in today. Free from the pain of a childhood home that taught conditional safety. I never knew love. The Love of God set me free, his name is Jesus. And yes, he loves every gay. Knowing his love finally.... I couldn't stay the same."

Today Reverend Rachel is a courageous prayer warrior and Pastor

She has a growing prayer ministry and is preparing to open a church that welcomes all as they are, with the patience and understanding that every transformation is an individual journey. Professionally, Rachel works at a homeless shelter and in her spare time she enjoys napping cooking and playing guitar.

Find Rachel's books
'The Broken Hearted Captive': The story of a girl who didn't know she was a daughter

Find Rachel on utube

Truth Justice Freedom for Children
Gabbi Choong telegram t.me/gabbichoong

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