Why You're Likely Heading To Mexico If You Go Expat

10 months ago

Where are we in the economic cycle? Are we close to a top or a correction? Is there more upside to come?

I'm not a financial analyst and I'm certainly not qualified to offer advice to anyone about money. That economies move in cycles is no secret. There's one part of the cycle when you want to be in growth areas like tech. And there' another part of the cycle when you only want to be in real stuff.

To me, it looks like this is the time to be in real assets. But why?

In this episode, you'll discover:

The age of paper wealth is over…

Paper wealth and the big accounting problem…

Median house price $450,000!

I recorded this before we were fighting Wars on two fronts…

Here's how they rob you in North America…

A construction clue blocked the street and looted his house in Portland, Oregon…


Keep some of your hard assets here…

The risk is less, but you should have both…

Paper assets are going to get bitch-slapped.

Is there intrinsic value?

Much worse for much longer, 1914 to 1945...

The same ideas from 1917 are being tried again…

As safe as you can be in the world in this lifetime…

Sleep easy by doing this…

Here's how you have options when the worst of it is over…

I created The Expat Phyles to show you the world of options that exist outside your home country.

Today, it's more important than ever to move some of your wealth - and maybe even your family - offshore because your #1 risk right now is the political risk from your home government.

Go here to book a FREE 15-minute call and find out how easy it is to get started living the Expat Adventure.

"I work with you one-on-one to design and execute a plan to legally offshore and protect your investments, reduce your tax bill, diversify your wealth and make you a global citizen so you can enjoy greater freedom and opportunity." - Tain Nix

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