1 year ago

Being far away in the diaspora doesn’t mean what’s happening back at home on the continent doesn’t matter deeply to you. Watch as a Congolese sister in America fights back the tears to try and raise awareness of all the crises facing her native DRC right now - the butchery and the genocide in the east, the rebel groups indirectly financed with Western funds, the huge internal refugee emergency, the child slavery in the multinational ‘horror’ mines, the Western exploitation of her nation’s abundant mineral riches for profit and for the creation of gadgets the world needs but most Congolese will never own. She admits the pain gets too much when she reflects on all this and feels frustration at nothing having changed in over a decade of activism and awareness-raising - something that’s left her in despair and close to giving up.

We think her message needs to be heard far and wide - her cry for help speaks for millions of desperate Congolese, and Africa will only ever be truly free when the giant Congo is. Please watch, like, and share, share, share. And show some love and support for @hindirlane in the comments.

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