Democrats want you to think they cleaned up San Francisco...more lies..

1 year ago

Ben Bergquam - Real America’s Voice (RAV-TV) News @BenBergquam
--This was shot today in San Francisco and Oakland. Democrats want you to think they cleaned up San Francisco, but this is what California really looks like! This is what Democrat policies turn your community into. If you’re tired of this and ready to get America back, please share, and above all - Stop Voting for Democrats! #TheRealCalifornia

-Excellent reporting! This should be on every tv in the nation. Maybe Trump will includesome of it in an election ad?
Personally, I don't care for DJT much, but he DID do a lot of good things for the U.S.A., whereas Team Biden has done nothing but ruin and destroy everything it touches, just like the Democratic Socialists have done to our cities, our youth, and everyone who is dead or disabled from coerced injections of toxic so-called "vaccines." - and that bastard Soros and his D.A.s!
-- #Defund Socialism! --

Team Biden MUST be defeated thru overwhelming support! No third party votes! IT IS All or nothing this time! All the marbles!


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