1 year ago

Originally Aired 11/18/23. I continue to hear CHRISTIANS who hold views that essentially BLAME ISRAEL for the attacks on them. And so I am compelled to more specifically explain why we must stand with the Jewish People.
The main basis for Christians blaming Israel, and in a sense ALL JEWS (if we’re honest), amount to 2 rationales:
1. Israel is “OCCUPYING” the land. They use the anti-Semitic term “Zionists’ co-opted from those who hate God. Ironically, ZION is God’s term for spiritual Jerusalem and the city of God.

2. The Jews in Israel were brutally attacked because they occupy the land ”IN UNBELIEF” and are still under the Deuteronomy curse.

THIS week, we will respond to both accusations of unlawfully “OCCUPYING” the land and doing so “IN UNBELIEF” as a rationale that CHRISTIANS USE for condemning Israel.

Typically these Christians adhere to REPLACEMENT THEOLOGY, as we have discussed before, and they disregard prophecies that God will bring Israel back into their land in the latter days.

The “UNBELIEF” of the Jews has been used by “CHRISTIANS” to beat them up over these last 2,000 years. Throughout the ages both Catholics and some Protestant denominations have even argued the twisted idea that "JEWS KILLED JESUS," to justify their persecution.

Friends, if you love Jesus, and understand the Gospel, you'll KNOW that WE killed Jesus because of our sin. There was NO OTHER WAY for God to save humanity, but to pay for the sins of each and every one of us.

And so, If we REALLY CARE about about Jewish unbelievers, as we should care about ALL PEOPLE who don't know Jesus/ Yeshua, then we should not so easily fall for this excuse. WE ALL WERE IN UNBELIEF before God Graciously gave us understanding.

One cannot certainly be a light to unbelievers—especially to Jews who have already suffered so much persecution—while attacking them.
And yet, we KNOW that God will draw them to HIM in the latter days, if we LET HIM USE US.

The "Times of the Gentiles" are winding down, and we have a short, precious window of opportunity to draw Jews to Yeshua before the rapture. After that, the Lord's full attention will be to defend His Chosen People, and draw them to Himself. They WILL receive Him, if we faithfully shine our light and plant those seeds for the future.

It is so important to be on the side of God. As followers of Jesus, We MUST KNOW the WORD, KNOW God’s PROPHECIES both in the Old and New Testament, and be able to discern truth from lies.

Paul warned that the last days would be full of deception:

2Ti 3:13 But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
2Th 2:7 For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains [will do so] until He is taken out of the way.
1Ti 4:1 Now the Spirit speaks expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils

And so, we will dispel these Anti-Israel, anti-Jewish Arguments by looking at what the Bible has prophesied about Israel’s future, and His promise to return them to their land "in the latter days."
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