Gillespie's Ad Hits Northam Hard On Restoring Internet Rights To Convicted Porn Abuser!

7 years ago

The ad is based on outgoing Gov. Terry McAuliffe’s sweeping actions to restore voting and other civil rights to felons. In one of the few states that permanently disenfranchises felons, McAuliffe (D) has restored the right to vote and to serve on juries to more than 168,000 felons who have completed their sentences. His action also helped them over the first hurdle to have their gun rights restored, although the felons still need judges to sign off.

“Last year, Terry McAuliffe and Ralph Northam instituted the automatic restoration of rights for violent felons and sex offenders, making it easier for them to obtain firearms and allowing them to serve on juries,” the ad begins. “One of these felons, John Bowen, had his rights restored two months after being found with one of the largest child pornography collections in Virginia’s history.”

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