This is Xiongan City, one of the largest construction sites in the world. 👀 👀 👀

10 months ago

The CCP is building a 15-minute city there, see link.
They plan to move about 4 million people from Beijing to Xiongan under a mixed system of both voluntary and coercive measures.
Every lamppost in the city will be equipped with facial recognition cameras. Checkpoints will be placed at every entrance and exit.
📌 tipping point
About the photo:
Joe Biden: “The US will not back down before the challenge of Putin and Hamas": Biden wrote a column in which he said that a cease–fire in the Middle East now will not lead to peace, and that support for Ukraine is an "investment" in US security.
"An outcome in which Hamas would continue to control the Gaza Strip would amount to support of hatred, which would deprive the Palestinian people of the opportunity to create something better. Our goal should be to not just stop the war today, but to stop it forever - to break the cycle of violence and create something more lasting in Gaza and the Middle East, so that history stops repeating itself.
✔️The people of Palestine deserve their own state and a future without Hamas. The United States supports a two-state solution to the Middle East conflict - the Gaza Strip and the West Bank should be reunited under a single administrative structure, in the final version - a renewed Palestinian authority.
✔️Amid the brutality and suffering in Ukraine, Israel, the Gaza Strip and many other places, it can be difficult to imagine an alternative. But we must not forget the lessons that we have learned more than once in the course of our history - great tragedies and shocks can lead to tremendous progress.
✔️The Israeli leadership has taken additional measures to create two humanitarian corridors and establish daily four-hour pauses. This directly contradicts Hamas' strategy. If Hamas cared at all about the lives of the Palestinians, they would have released all the hostages, laid down their weapons and handed over the leaders responsible for the October 7 attack.
✔️We know from the two world wars in the last century that when aggression in Europe remains unanswered, the crisis does not fade away by itself. This directly draws America into the conflict. That is why our commitment to Ukraine is an investment in our own security, it prevents the expansion of the conflict in the future."
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Note: I am not the producer of this content. I only provide the content for your entertainment. ThankQ AlgorythemQ
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