BNN (Brandenburg News Network) 11/20/2023 DeVos Whistleblower Amway - Judah Ayers

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9am Karen the Riveter and Ralph the IT guy!! Talking about my DC trip, current events, news and encouragement..with a nerdy tech slant!!

10am Judah Ayers, the DeVos Whistleblower, will be talking about the DeVos involvement in politics. Judah Ayers was a NCAA Big Ten Athlete from MSU after graduation built a successful Amway Business for 22 years. Over the years he noticed multiple things that were concerning and he started asking questions. It was not until January 6 and the events of the day did he connect things. On January 7, 2021 with the resignation of Betsy DeVos from the Trump Administration "inciting" a riot did he then understand the history of the families. The entire next week in prayer, God downloaded all and connected the dots to expose, giving understanding for Judah to document. Judah presented the documentation to the Chairman of the company whom he thought was a strong Patriot and Christian. The next day he was sent a Cease and Desist order and his business of 22 years was terminated with no real explanation. Thus the start of his journey of truth and discovery into the history of politics and these families.

Watch on BNN:



Guests: Donna Brandenburg, Karen the Riveter, Ralph the IT guy, Judah Ayers

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