11/11/11. 2023. Please Israel. Strive for a Peaceful Resolution. No more war.

1 year ago

War as Israel only option. Todaywe'll see what war is good for. As tensions between Israel and Palestine might have a 5 days cease fire, the World is watching contradictory positions as members of parliament in the E.U., U.K. and the U.S. Congress support the Israeli's position. Qatar mediation and U.S.'s Will permit humanitarian aid to enter Gaza. But P.M. Netanyahu won't concede his aggressive initiative to continue at war. Will this intransigence work against Israel it self? For Western politics and M.S.Media Is all Palestine's (Hamas), China, Russia's and every body else's fault but the West who are responsible for the War that is coming? How irresponsible this position is when the WORLD GETS CLOSER TO A WORLD WIDE CONFLICT, while the West pretends innocence?

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