Ep 3: White Genocide in a Biblical Context (Mat 24:22) (Mrk 13:20) (Rev 12) (Rev 20?) (Jer 30:7?)

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The phenomenon of the ever-dwindling population of the European peoples in the world is discussed. Statistics are cited. Biblical verses are then used to show how this development was prophesied and should be viewed through a biblical lens, in the context of Deuteronomy 28. From Genesis to Revelation, this event was prophesied and those of European heritage living in the world today must bear the curse of the time and season which the Lord has placed them in.

Israel First is a Christian educational channel that promotes the Israel Truth, the historical fact that the Ancient Israelites migrated into and became the people known today as Europeans. The ensuing theological, political, and historical ramifications of such theory will be discussed. Supporting evidence from Biblical verses, apocryphal texts, classical sources, and archaeological discoveries will be provided. Additionally, the all-encompassing aspect of the idea of worldview is brought to the fore, with the intent that all young men of European heritage embrace a worldview that is Christ-centered, rooted in Israelite-Covenantal theology, and one in which health, strength, growth, and life is promoted. With the aforementioned worldview leading towards an alternate lifestyle from an individualistic perspective and to perhaps even an alternate society from a communal perspective.















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