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"Whoever speaks the truth declares what is right but a false witness speaks deceit."
- Proverbs 12:17
The King James Version Only movement (also known as King James Onlyism) is a theological construct, where the belief of the King James Version (KJV) is superior to all other Bibles. Adherence of the faith have varying degrees, in which they view this Bible's "anointed" qualities.
The vary least of these positions being; that it is the most accurate to the original manuscripts, to the more extreme; that KJV wasn't just a translation but equally inspired by God, similar to and for some, more than the original writings.
As far as its classification being a movement, versus being a denomination; though there are specific denominations that do uphold to the KJV Only ideology; it isn't limited to just the set group of denominations. People that do not belong to KJV Only churches; are also part of this movement.
The various Christian denominations that integrate the KJV Only ideology: Anabaptists, Anglo-Catholics, as well as some subsects of Methodists and Baptists. There are also pseudo-Christian groups (which most incorrectly apply the word "cult"), The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS) or also known as Mormons and in addition, the Seventh-Day Adventist (SDA).
Though the KJV was first published back in 1611; the development of the belief germinated back in 1930, by Benjamin G. Wilkinson; where he puts forth his notion in his book, Our Authorized Bible Vindicated. It's important to note that Wilkinson was a Seventh-Day Adventist scholar.
The SDA ideology does not fit the standards that qualify them to be considered "Biblical," which is why they are a "pseudo-Christian" organization, the details of which can be found below:
False teachings from a pseudo-Christian organization, is the norm but it's peculiar that it shifted from the SDAs and went to a "mainstream" Christian denomination. This was a result of a Floridian pastor: Peter S. Ruckman, back in 1964. Ruckman was part of the Independent Baptists.
As true with teachings that come outside of the first hundred years of the Protestant Reformation, circa 16th-century; most often than not, have been false. The major exception to that being eschatology; since time actually helps reveal the meaning of the Bible, in regard to that particular subject.
In the video, the speakers talk about how the arguments for KJV Onlyism have a problem with paralogism. (the definition being: The way they are so: contradictions with their own ideology, conflicts with historical evidence and problems with integrity.
It's important to point out that the purpose of this article, isn't to "reinvent the wheel" and simply make this a reiteration of the video but rather addressing different aspect of the KJV Only movement, that is not mentioned in the video.
The teachers of KJV Onlyism are guilty (like many other type of cult leaders), of either deliberately hiding facts, as well as manufacturing fake data. Using the invisible justification of "inspiration" but unless there's historical or Biblical support for such ideas; a big red flag should always go up.
It's assumed that all parties involved; in the work with the KJ Bible; were anointed men of God. If that were not the case, it puts a serious contradiction into many aspects of what those in the movement believe. Keep in mind that the description of the Old Testament is spoken of in this fashion:
"For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of God spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost."
- 2 Peter 1:21
Anyone saying that God's anointing is upon something, it'll have to hold itself true to the standard of the Scriptures. It's easy to make claims. This is how all the various denominations exists, as well as religions.
King James commissioned the creation of this Bible, back in 1604. He didn't take a passive role; where he funded a bunch of Biblical scholars; so as to put forth the best translation of the Bible. Rather, he personally selected those who were going to be part of the work, that would bear his name.
Those that became part of this team, weren't from a pool of scholars, that was from any one particular church or denomination. Instead, it was from several. In many history books; the various Christian sects mentioned, that were part of the project; are often simplified as being Protestant and Catholics or "Papists," as they were referred to back in that time.
The description given: Protestant groups, is a little misleading, for it leaves the impression that only two camps were involved with the translation process. The Protestant translation team consisted of Presbyterians, Puritans and those from the Church of England. Needless to say, there were many heated debates, as to how a Passage should be translated.
How was it finally determined, as to what would be made into cannon? It was King James that made the call. The manuscripts which were used as source material, to translate into English: Masoretic Text, for the Old Testament and Textus Receptus, for the New Testament but in addition, Biblia Vulgata or more commonly called The Vulgate, which is the Bible translated into Latin and it's also part of the Roman Catholic Church.
When people incorporate themselves into a social group; they tend to believe their leaders; merely because people will assume that those leading, have integrity. This is more so, if the social organization happens to be religious. Unfortunately, as true with cults, though the followers are sincere and genuine, the leaders are not.
All historical information isn't hard to find. They are easily researched and there are plenty of objective, secular sources to look at; that doesn't have any religious bias. That is of course, for all those concerned with slanted data.
This is pointed out because cult leaders use lies and manipulation to distort the perception of their followers. The material covered; addresses these lies and cover-ups; conducted by those who are part of the leadership; within the King James Onlyism movement.
The use of the Roman Catholic Bible and scholars; being part of the translation process; is never mentioned within the movement. There are historical records of such but besides external evidence, there's internal proof also.
Isaiah 14:12-14, is the Passage where the entire theological frame work of Lucifer (also known as the Devil), comes into play. Isaiah was originally written around 739 and 681 BC. The language used, Hebrew. From the actual word: helel. How does helel turn into Lucifer?
The Septuagint, referred to by some as the Greek Old Testament. This Bible was commonly used during Jesus' time on Earth. It was developed around 333 BC. Hebrew had become a dead language and only the religious leaders knew it. Hebrew was also used in certain ceremonies but Aramaic was the language used locally within Israel.
Koine Greek was the trans-regional language that was used throughout areas formerly occupied by the ancient Greeks.. King Alexander III of Macedon (more commonly known as Alexander the Great); conducted his conquests from 336 BC - 323 BC. The geography that he captured, encompassed areas around the Mediterranean (including Egypt), half of the Middle East (which Israel was part) and ended in India.
When Rome became the dominant power (27 BC - 395 AD); the preexisting ground work, that had been provided by Alexander; had a universal language they could use to communicate. This is how Roman officials and soldiers, were able to communicate with Jesus, the Apostle Paul and any other person; within Israel, without knowing Aramaic.
The Septuagint translates the word helel as heosphoros. Needless to say, Lucifer did not come from the Greeks. Instead it came from the Romans, via the Biblia Vulgata. Written in 400 AD by "St. Jerome," this Latin Bible is how helel was turned into the Latin word lucifer and created the entire "Lucifer myth."
To add to the bizarre element of Lucifer; in the Biblia Vulgata, lucifer isn't capitalized. A point of intrigue is how lucifer became Lucifer. Was this a translator's error or a poor decision on King James' behalf?
Moreover, actual Biblical study shows that helel/lucifer, isn't a name, rather it's a title. It's the same title given to Jesus (Revelation 22:16). This might be the reason why the Jehovah's Witnesses believe that Jesus and Satan are brothers. This title is also given to Christians that have earned it (Revelation 2:26-28).
In both instances, lucifer is the Latin word used. This is just one of many examples of how there's nothing divine with this Bible. There was no divine intervention or involvement with the development of the King James Bible. The human errors within this Bible, prove it.
In an odd twist, there are some Roman Catholics that view the Biblia Vulgata, the same way the KJV Onlyist do. They will cite the Council of Trent's declaration of 1546:
"Moreover, this sacred and holy Synod - considering that no small utility may accrue to the Church of God, if it be made known which out of all the Latin editions, now in circulation, of the sacred books, is to be held as authentic - ordains and declares, that the said old and vulgate edition, which, by the lengthened usage of so many years, has been approved of in the Church, be, in public lectures, disputations, sermons and expositions, held as authentic; and that no one is to dare, or presume to reject it under any pretext whatever."
The union of the various "blessed books;" from the Hebrew, Greek and Latin; must be what the teachers of KJV Onlyism must be feeling; as Catholic theological bias, intertwines itself with the KJV. This reiterates the point, anyone can make baseless claims. A video that would provide good food for thought; is linked below but be advised, for it uses "bad words."
Those that are part of this movement; that makes the claim that God had some divine hand, in the creation of the KJV; cross the line of blasphemy. To say God was part of, in the midst or involved on any level; yet there is zero evidence; is a prime example of bearing false witness.
A really good book, on the unique and amazing aspects of the original manuscripts: The Mysterious Bible Codes by Grant R. Jeffrey, shows what divine inspiration means. Be that as it may, it's important to be aware that blasphemy is just one problem this cult faces; there are some that engage in divination.
"No one among you is to sacrifice his son or daughter in the fire, practice divination, tell fortunes, interpret omens, practice sorcery, cast spells, consult a medium or a spiritist or inquire of the dead."
- Deuteronomy 18:10-11
Divination is everything from numerology, use of horoscopes, tarot card reading, palm reading, etc. To prove how "special" the KJV is, they will try and make the point that certain words in the KJV will come up a certain amount of times. That number being "magical." Since the Bible does NOT give important value or meaning to numbers; with the exception to the Antichrist.
When a person does place value in numbers, they are practicing numerology. Having a person show a certain word come up 777 times, in the KJV, means nothing; other than to a numerologist.
This leads to the more stranger aspects of the KJV. There are arguments by the KJV Only groups, where they see the KJV being inspired because some witches and Satanists use it. That conclusion, is completely ignorant. First, the Satanists issue. Most of the recognized, open Satanist groups, are atheist. They simply use Satan as a mascot.
These "Satanists" are basically having someone hold their hands, so they can be comfortable with living a hedonistic lifestyle. Those Satanists that use the slogan: "No gods, no masters!" lose their gravitas, as they crowd source emotional validation; at the same time mock and ridicule the need of a Messiah.
Those that fully grasp the video above, will understand that "Satanists" haven't contracted their soul to the Devil and are unredeemable.
Typically, those that join this club; do so because they are looking for attention, not true belief in a "Dark Lord." They are seeking attention and since they can't get the positive kind, they go the opposite direction.
Whenever a Satanist burns a KJV Bible or recite a Passage backwards; they are actually crying out for love. They have hurts and pain that runs deep, where it's built up to a point where they manifest such behavior by being a "Satanist."
Now when it comes to witches...those that choose to use the Bible with part of their rituals; do so, NOT out of sacrilege but due to language. To properly conduct magic, one has to say a spell that have a rhythmic flow; which the KJV has.
It's also important to note there are "Christian witches." There are those who see no contradiction with practicing witchcraft and calling themselves Christian. There are plenty of spell books people can get, that revolves around the Book of Psalms and the Lord's prayer, as well as books on being a "Christian witch."
In addition, there are Afro-Caribbean religions, which are pseudo-Catholic. Spiritual practices, such as Vodou, Santeria and Candomble de Angola; all incorporates Jesus and the Catholic saints; within their belief structure.
That might seem shocking but we live in an age where "Christians" have no problems with the trans, WOKE lifestyle and the aborting of babies, not to mention the worship of the planet; for all of it is in line with their Jesus. To learn more, check out the link below.
A possible aspect, to the mystical usage of the KJV Bible, may also stem from occult practices by King James himself. It's not unusual for the European royals to be "Christian," place strict religious laws but they, themselves would disregard God's laws because they felt they were above following it.
Many European, "Christian" monarchs, back in the dark ages to the middle age period; practiced some form of magic or had magicians or mediums and also practiced homosexuality. Two of the most well-known cases: John Dee and Grigori Rasputin.
John Dee lived in 16th-century England. He was an alchemist, astrologer and occultist. In the world of the occult, he is a highly prominent figure. He developed what's known as Enochian magic (pronounced E-no-key-in and not E-knock-ian); which is also known as "angel magic." In addition, John Dee served as advisor to Queen Elizabeth I.
Grigori Rasputin, a Russian mystic. Had close ties to the imperial family of Russia, Nicholas II. He was a mysterious figure, with lots of rumors about his paranormal abilities but those seeking power; simply saw him as being in the way and was eventually murdered.
Though there isn't clear evidence for King James being involved in any form of occultism but there is circumstantial. He wrote a manuscript called the Daemonologie. There's no Christian source material for him to have written what he wrote.
It would require him to have been involved in or know individuals; that were part of his inner circle; to have such knowledge. His possible involvement in the occult, would explain why the KJV is "witch friendly."
This leads us to examining the judge and the final authority, over the Book itself. King James was a known bisexual. He expressed love for the woman, that he would later marry but also shown affections towards his male interests.
King James' homosexual activities was significant enough for him to be referred to as "Queen James." If one were to travel to King James' estates; those buildings have secret passage ways to his male servants quarters. Such passage ways were not typical, for it was more common to have such access ways to female servant quarters. This is of course, how one has genetic ties to royal families, without that descendant being part of the royal family.
The KJV Only leaders will deny the bisexuality of King James, despite the historical evidence but this is typical of cult leaders. Considering there have been no writings or witnesses of him struggling with his issue, concerning his homosexual sexual drive; it's safe to say that he was unrepentant.
Eerily there's hints towards "predictive programming." This movement is very selective with the information they choose to hide. Anyone that's genuinely seeking God, will go as the facts presents itself. Though the behavior is typical of cults, there seems to be more going on, underneath the surface.
For some, the reasons to why King James made this Bible, might have been clear, early on. This is, for all intense and purposes, a bureaucratic-leadership driven Bible. A State sponsored and produced Book. A Bible that's no different than the one linked below.
There's not much difference between the what King James created and what the WEF is doing. The British Empire was plagued by religious wars. To create a unified kingdom; he wanted to create the "ultimate Bible," where every Christian sect would read; which in turn, would help foster and facilitate, a mutual understanding of each other.
King James could be considered one of original architects for the ecumenical movement and his Bible; the first published ecumenical tool of manipulation; where every Christian group puts aside its differences and unite as "one family."
Though some might try and make the point that the WEF will manipulate things to favor their agenda but King James had done so with his Bible.
One of his works, in which he is noted for and was used most frequently, in the Old World: "The Divine Right of Kings." The theological concept being: every ruler is divinely appointed by God and has absolute authority in both political and spiritual matters; so to rebel against such leadership, is to rebel against God Himself.
The word that is omitted in the KJV, was a result of it going against the King's theology. What the WEF seek to do, wouldn't be new. It was already done by King James and in true modern day fashion: King James publicly proclaimed support for Puritans. After the publication of his Bible; all Puritans and Protestants who refused his scared text; would face imprisonment or worse.
Like the modern day diversity crowd; they outwardly champion peaceful coexistence; their message and actual actions do not coincide. The video hints towards this point, about the Korean needing to use a translator to understand English. Why doesn't God have a KJV event for every language Bible in the world? Analysis only leads to this teaching leans towards racism.
All these various aspects doesn't seem Antichristiee like? Despite the Roman Catholic Church, having a history of shedding innocent blood; they never been guilty of punishing those rejecting their Bible. To help further illustrate how inclusive and diverse this Bible was put together. All one needs to do is read the entire page of the next link, to grasp the entire magnitude.
King James was initiated into Freemasonry, at the Lodge of Scoon and Perth in 1601. He assembled his team to work on his Bible in 1604. In other words a Mason was the one who conjured the notion to create the Bible. Paid for the production; selected those who translated it and this Mason decided what would actually be the final product.
After it's release, those rejecting it, would feel the full force of the British Empire, the official Book of the land and the official book of his secret society. That's why, in so many ways, "Satanists" offer up dark humor type scenarios, such as burn the KJV Bible...they really are clueless.
One of the hugely ironic components to all of this, is the book titled: New Age Bible Versions by Gail Riplinger. The author, Gail Riplinger is one of the biggest proponents to KJV Onlyism, with the success of that particular book. Most of which are packed with lies and fabrication; all of which one can read below:
Going back to an earlier point; how the The KJV Only movement is paralogical. If one where to simply take a step back; there's no normal human behavior, that would keep a person in this cult.
When there are religious movements that manipulate emotions, that's understandable. There's a hook that will keep a person part of such a group. Those organizations that twist facts or ideology; the intellectual manipulation makes it easy to see why people join and stay with it.
With all the information that's readily available and the flimsy arguments provided by the KJV Only movement; this should only be in the realm of pseudo-Christian groups, that has it more of an add-on to their other false teachings.
Unnatural obsession or interest, tend to be earmarks of demonic activity. Granted, the Bible does already state that false teachers and false prophets have, working with them, an evil spirit. In this case it's the obvious. Other situations, not so much.
Those deceived by the KJV Only movement, will probably end up being manipulated into some grand scheme; such as accepting something like the WEF Bible. Be that as it may, anyone interested with learning more about the movement, the link provided below will help.
In terms of practical application...those attending a church that is KJV Only or in a situation where their spiritual leaders are using the KJV; it's advised to leave that church and find a new one. As pointed out, through the video and also in this blog; there are serious intellectual and theological problems with the KJV.
To study or preach, using the KJV; makes it suspect as to the leaders discernment. Most Christians, when they're "baby Christians," ask questions to find the best Bible translation. If it was never an issue, than at some point; it would have been a topic learned in their schooling, to be part of ministry.
The lack of knowledge, discernment or both; calls into question the leaders qualifications to have the position. Think of it this way. This person is supposed to be an instrument to guide your spiritual life. How can you trust the council, advice or instruction of anyone who doesn't know something fundamental as translations of the Bible?
A more deeper question to ponder, where was God in this person's life? There was no "divine intervention," to some how indicate that there's a problem with this particular Bible; yet they knew God wanted them in ministry. Those two incongruent events, is fallacious.
Keep in mind Jesus does speak about "wolves in sheeps clothing." The numerous warnings about both false teachers and false prophets; is partly because being in ministry has within it a draw to those with mental problems; specifically psychotic disorders. Certain jobs gravitate those with such a condition because it appeals to their motivational drive. More of which can be learned about, in next link.
People such as Gail Riplinger, clearly have this disorder. She has no conscience or conviction over lying and fabricating "facts." The same would also hold true to a majority of leaders in this movement; since they are creating and pushing this deception.
Our society has become so desensitized with certain aspects of abuse, that they will not recognize the behavior of an abuser. A normal person; when they realize they've made a serious mistake, as promoting what runs contrary to God; they will question their role, with their position. Even to the point of quitting their post. Someone whose psychotic, won't give it a second thought and think it was a simple mistake. Time to move on and not have one shred of conviction or remorse. If it can be covered-up or justified...all of that is what predators do.
"But I will continue to do what I am doing, in order to deny an opportunity to those who want to be regarded as our equals in what they boast about. For such people are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. And no wonder! For Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. So it is no great surprise if his servants also disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. Their end will be according to their works."
- 2 Corinthians 11:12-15
The place you attend might seem great. You may even feel as though God called you there. Problem is emotions and perceptions can easily be manipulated. You'll never get to where God wants you to be, if you're preoccupied in a church, where the leader is deceived.
"Anyone who does not remain in Christ's teaching but goes beyond it does not have God. The one who remains in that teaching, this one has both the Father and the Son. If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your home and do not greet him; for the one who greets him shares in his evil works."
- 2 John v. 9-11
God doesn't contradict Himself. The Bible is clear about having zero ties with false teachers and false prophets. To think that God is making some exception; where it's okay that you're in a church that shares false teachings; you're being deceived as well, just in a different way.
"For rebellion is like the sin of divination and defiance is like wickedness and idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the Lord, He has rejected you as king."
- 1 Samuel 15:23
For everyone you know; that uses the KJV to study or are part of the movement; it's your responsibility to share the knowledge you have, with all those people. Using this video, the numerous links, books, etc.; to help them recognize the deception; is your obligation, as a follower of Christ. Doing so might end up being a pointless endeavor; for it'll fall on deaf ears but that doesn't matter. The outcome isn't our responsibility, being obedient and honoring what God expects us to do, is.
"From everyone who has been given much, much will be required; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, even more will be expected."
- Luke 12:48
All those that needs to go through some adjustments, a few resources that will help, during the transition period:
All of which are great places to learn. Those that liked the host to this video: Justin Peters; he can be found at:
To get the book, featured on the program; Amazon isn't the best place to purchase the product. Amazon is notorious for supporting the Woke movement and values. Alternative sources:
To obtain the Bible mentioned in the video:
An important aspect to keep in mind; with this entire issue with the KJV: It's clearly a poor choice to study from but to simply read or listen, due to the aesthetics; is a different story. Simply reading or listening, doesn't have the same objective as having the intent to learn. Which is why reading or listening; in essence, for entertainment purposes; is NOT an issue. The next link provides a great audio Bible.
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Post Scriptum: In the "Show More" section (which is right under the date that a video was posted; the number of views; as well as tags given); it's always good check it out, at least when it comes to this channel. There's usually tons of added information and resources. Those wondering why so wordy? People give it so many different names, that people some times won't find the part that's recommended.
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