Episode 421: Low Juice For The Winter

1 year ago

Read the rest of the blog post at: https://bit.ly/3QKiCDB

Low Juice for the Winter is not referring to beverages that one would enjoy during the holiday season. This discussion is a sleeper travesty more complex than terrorist crossing the southern border. This program is a discussion with my colleague George Brennan regarding the government designed intentions to bring on the winter freeze.

We are talking about a report that shows the strong potentials of larger regional power outages this winter season.

Cloudy Days Ahead bring Low Juice For The Winter
Take your pick of wether forecasting, they are all showing a cold winter. As George and I discuss, this will have a major effect on the power grid due to heavy shifts to unsustainable renewables and the move away from coal to natural gas for power generation. Let’s be clear, natural gas is good stuff but, the infrastructure for supply and demand is not there.

Cloudy days impact solar, even high wind days don’t let the hill lice (wind mills) work efficiently. So buckle up for what can be rolling blackouts or difficulties recovering during major winter storms. Oh, those EV’s… most certainly not going far.

George Brennan of Low Juice For The Winter
I asked George to join me on this topic since he is one of my trusted partners on this topic and its ties to ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) and DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion.) George is working with national business leaders in bringing a good fight against the Draconian's of the administrative state with all of its insanities.

Keeping It Short
We are being hit on a lot of fronts regarding our ability to live in these United States. Energy is one an area Americans have taken for granted yet, the insidiousness of environmentalism is a threat to our culture, nation and personal property.

If you are in a potential region for really bad winter weather, please prepare for the worse.

For some humor regarding EV trucks, See this weeks articles below.Read the rest at: https://bit.ly/3QKiCDB

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