Has your bank's credit rating been downgraded?

9 months ago

It is likely that Moody's will downgrade the United States Debt next. Money in the bank isn’t necessarily safe. If you don’t know what a Bail-in is, you should find out quickly. If you think the FDIC is going to save you, you should see how much money they have to bail you out. The savings and loans went broke in the 80s. All banks in America were shut down during the great depression. Find somebody that’s 80 or 90 years old and ask him what it was like with no banks for a couple of weeks. Ask them how many of their friends lost all of their savings. Get your money out of the banking system. Use multiple banks for anything that you need to have in checking accounts. Store it in hard assets that are liquid. And never have more than 250,000 in any one bank just in case FDIC does help. #bankfailure #silver #gold #hardassets #familysuccesstriangle #realpowerfamily #privatestorage #btc

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