The Vision of the Tabernacle 62nd Prophetic Memoir 2nd-Series#29

1 year ago

A Vision from G3D can have everything to do with your destiny and it does not come in the form of just a good idea. Visions dealing with your future are deeply embedded into your soul and spirit and it's all consuming.

There are times when G3D sends a Vision to a person or persons and it takes two or three life times before the Vision becomes a reality. If this happens to you, you realize at some point you are no more than a small piece of the puzzle. Don't get me wrong this can still be a very gratifying position in the Kingdom of G3D, if your heart is right.

Even though when you first realize where you fit in the scheme of things it's like receiving a swift kick in the gut. You are nothing more than one of G3D's plow shears set in place to prepare the people to be ready to receive the Vision.

Looking back in the rear view mirror of your life you painfully see you have been breaking the hard ground most of your life working toward being a part of the Vision and now discover you will not even see it's fulfillment. Not too exciting knowing others who are younger will come behind you sowing G3D's Word into the soft cultivated soil that you have left behind that once was full of double minded, stiff necked and uninformed people who fought you ever step of the way.

Even though, neither I nor the Vision have died; the pain is real and delivers you to a place liken unto a death. It's a death of your personal selfishness knowing you will not be experiencing the glory of seeing the Vision come to pass. Not being around to enjoy the fruit of all your labor and not seeing the Vision come to fruition in your younger life time can make your heart very heavy.

Once you have overcome the shock of how shallow you must appear the sweet fragrance of Jesus and His Love begin to fill the void in your heart. From heaven falls a new mantel from G3D that lets you know in no uncertain terms that you have done well and by His own account calls you His just and faithful servant. The death of that part of your old flesh that once gave you the momentum and grace empowering you to go the distance has now changed into something else.

Your new mantel has inscribed upon it the words, "The Friend of G3D" and takes the place of the Old Servants mantel for your job is completed. No longer are you an old servant behind the dull and worn out plow beaten down and broken. From here on out you are called The Friend of G3D. Your relationship with the Creator of Heaven and Earth has taken a turn and now you have proved yourself to be trustworthy in the eyes of the All Mighty. The power within this new mantel carries the mandate to go bring the Vision bearers together for the building of the Tabernacle- (meaning gathering place).

"Coming to Him as to a living stone, rejected indeed by men, but chosen by God and precious, you also, as living stones, are being built up a spiritual house, a holy priesthood, to offer up spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ” (1 Peter 2:4&5 (NKJV).

A Friend of G3D is given rights to call forth those things by a special faith needed in order to assemble the prophetic people together who G3D has been molding, shaping and preparing them to sow and reap from the harvest the Vision will produce.

Please do NOT mistake this as notification of my passing away for I am here to stay until the prophetic elect of G3D has been grafted into the Vision. Passing the torch to the Elisha generation will establish the interior of the Vision making it visible for all to experience and be a part of its' supernatural purpose.

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