Amazing Book of Spiritual Truth

1 year ago

M. Glenn Baxter and Betty Stout Baxter have 10 years 50,000 hours researching Genocide and Satanic Sacrifice of children in Religious Cult Temples where followers are deceived by Banker Lord Rothschild who owns ISIS RA EL a Luciferian Satanist Lord over all the Billionaire Elites who have attended Builderberger Satanic Ceremonies where sex orgies and baby child sacrifice takes place. Lord Rothschild has shown what takes place in the Tom Cruise Movie "EYES WIDE SHUT". M. Glenn Baxter's book "TEXAS UNDER SIEGE" has the knowledge that can be used to fight for life to protect children. Hopefully members of Rapture Churches will leave before being seeing their children sacrificed to Satan along with the parent's souls. Jesus our Messiah said we are the Temple and to practice the Golden Rule.

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