BCP: Bergoglio’s synod revolts against God and sins against the Holy Spirit

10 months ago

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Cardinal Müller, who was a direct participant in the October Synod, commented that the entire Synod was basically just about promoting the legalization of LGBTQ in the Church. The Synod under the leadership of the pseudo-Pope Bergoglio pushes ahead with this legalization through sins against the Holy Spirit. The Cardinal commented: “They say, ‘We have our new insights, revealed by the Holy Spirit,’ and so from now on homosexual acts or the blessing of homosexual acts are a good thing. That is their idea. It’s abusing the Holy Spirit in order to introduce doctrines that are openly against Holy Scripture… We cannot reconcile Christ and the Antichrist. This homosexual, ‘LGBT’ ideology is, at its centre, an anti-Christian ideology. It’s the spirit of the Antichrist speaking through them. It is absolutely against creation.”
Scripture shows what the essence is of the sin against the Holy Spirit: “Then they brought Him a demon-possessed man who was blind and mute; (Jesus cast out the demon) and healed him, so that he could both talk and see… The Pharisees said, ‘It is only by Beelzebub, the prince of demons, that this fellow drives out demons.’ … Jesus said, ‘I tell you, every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men, but the blasphemy against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven … either in this age or in the age to come.’” (Mt 12:22-32)
The sin against the Holy Spirit consists in the fact that the manifestation of God’s power is attributed to the devil, or vice versa, the devil’s work is attributed to God and the will of God. Bergoglio’s Synod promotes its blasphemous agenda of blessing LGBTQ unions with phrases about how dynamically God, the Holy Spirit, Himself enlightens and guides the Church today:
“…God Himself sustains, directs and enlightens His mission…”
“…enabling authentic listening and discerning what the Spirit is saying to the Churches.”
At the conclusion of this blasphemous synod, Bergoglio said: “We have listened with attentiveness to the Holy Spirit.”
It is as clear as day that the Holy Spirit can never be behind the promotion of sodomy. In the Catechism, the Holy Spirit calls homosexuality a sin that cries out to heaven, and Scripture condemns it as an abomination or detestable act /Gr. atimia (Rom 1)/ and warns that God punishes it with temporal and eternal fire (2Pe 2:6; Jud 1:7). Bergoglio and his followers at the Synod dared to utter the most blasphemous lie by claiming that it is the Holy Spirit Himself who supports sodomy today.
In the same way, in undermining the deposit of faith, they claim blasphemously that it is the Holy Spirit who is doing it. Bergoglio’s Synod manipulates into believing that God is now legalizing sin, thus leading people to hell. And this is the biggest deception of Bergoglio and of the entire so-called Synod, namely that they refer to their destructive activity aimed at destroying Christianity as “the inspiration of the Holy Spirit”.
In committing these crimes, they use the usurped authority of the so-called successor of the Apostle Peter and representative of Christ on earth. They seek to deceive as many people as possible by demanding false obedience. They do not preach repentance, they do not talk about the essence of salvation or the fundamental truths, but they only listen to the unclean LGBTQ spirit.
Again the question arises: Can a man who has enthroned the Pachamama demon and dedicated himself to Satan in Canada claim that he is the Vicar of Christ on earth and that the Holy Spirit speaks through him? No! He promotes an unclean spirit and is in rebellion against God. He has in fact publicly renounced Christ and accepted the spirit of antichrist. The greatest tragedy is that neither Catholic faithful nor priests and bishops are able to see this glaring reality and separate themselves in time from the pernicious system that occupies the papacy and is leading the entire Church to self-destruction. They cling tenaciously to a satanist in papal robes, who brazenly laughs in their faces and allows himself to be called the Vicar of Christ on earth.
Through his entire activity and his synod, Bergoglio has placed the devil at the centre, to whom he dedicated himself and whom he enthroned in the basilica of St Peter. He fulfils the will of this spirit of lies and death, precisely implements his agenda and leads Catholics by the nose, as if God, the Holy Spirit, Himself, were now changing all the paradigms of the Church and uprooting the deposit of faith. Bergoglio has exchanged the path of salvation for the path to destruction, and everyone is supposed to believe that this is how the Holy Spirit is now guiding the Church, that this is “God’s providential help”. No one in history has ever had the courage to carry out such a deception and such a provocative suicide of the Catholic Church at such a high degree of blasphemy.
The mind boggles at the thought that Catholics submit to this spirit of lies and death, and the bishops are unable to save themselves, much less their dioceses, and separate themselves. Not a single episcopal conference, not even a single diocese, is able to separate itself, even though, as permitted by divine providence, Bergoglio has revealed in a matter as significant as sodomy that he has the spirit of antichrist. Perhaps even permanent inmates of a mental hospital have more sense and judgment to distinguish such a primitive and brazen lie by which Bergoglio has now absurdly managed to manipulate the entire Catholic Church and turn it on its head.

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

10 November 2023

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