Spring sunshine, 3 week old Nigerian Dwarf Goats.(not a planned video but they are just too cute 😊)

1 year ago

Just a quick video, Not well planned but we had to show you how happy Molly and the baby goats are to finally get outside. It's all new to the babies.

Hello Everyone
We are Bert and Cindy. We are a Christian family with 4 children and are living a simple life on just under 1 acre in South Western Ontario, Canada.
Bert works full time outside of the home and Cindy homeschools our 4 children.
Together we are homesteading our little piece of property by incorporating back to Eden permaculture gardening; raising smaller livestock from poultry/rabbits to larger animals like KuneKune pigs and Nigerian Dwarf Goats.
Our goal is to become more and more self-sufficient and give our family a secure place to call home.
Please subscribe and join us as we learn on this journey.

For all enquiries please email us at simpleacrehomestead@gmail.com

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