1 year ago

"Going to the moon is impossible." I didn't say that. It came from exhibit A in the sketchy world of NASA. Wernher von Braun, notorious as an ex Nazi, SS officer, and rocket scientist. Wernher was Operation Paperclipped into the US after the war and put in charge of the pre Apollo campaigns. He was convinced for a variety of reasons that landing safely on the moon was not going to happen. So there's that.

How about this epic character ... Stanley Kubrick. Did he film the moon landing? He was hot off the production of 2001 a Space Odyssey and those moon scenes look awfully similar. Also, consider his masterpiece, The Shining. There are many cinematic clues and admissions that he was involved in faking the Apollo 11 mission. (That's a fun Youtube rabbit hole) His last film, Eyes Wide Shut, premiered on July 16, 1999... exactly 30 years to the DAY that Apollo 11 "took off." Things that make you go hmm.

Other questions that never quite get a satisfactory answer: Why haven't we returned? Or why haven't the Chinese? Or the Russians? (Who get a good laugh out of the Americans went to the moon myth) Or if it's a massive tech challenge, why haven't the tech-gifted Japanese or Germans orchestrated a trip to the moon?

How did the astronauts not bake and shrivel like weiner dogs left too long in the microwave when flying through the Van Allen radiation belt?

Why are there no stars in the "moon" photos? And were those pics taken right on the edge of the moon? The "horizon" appears to be about 30 feet away. ;)

Why did no dust kick up from the lunar module when it landed? And what meth head was let loose with an erector set and aluminum foil to design and build that module thing?

NASA says they lost the original telemetry data and the original film from the moon's surface. Really? Man's "greatest technical achievement" and we lost the tapes? I still have the original 35MM film from my first commercials in the 80s.

Let's check in on astronaut. Don Petitt. I'm sure he can shed some light on this. Don not so deftly explains "... we don't have the tech anymore to go back to the moon. We destroyed the tech and too painful to rebuild it." "Too painful?" What an odd phrase. So technology has gone in reverse in this case?

Lastly ... NASA broadcast live from the moon? In 1969? Live with a 4 second delay (oops, bad calculations there!) How did we broadcast several hundred thousand miles using the 12 volt batteries they had aboard? Again, in 1969? Pretty sure we couldn't do that today.

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