A Word to a complacent and very weak One ❤️ Jesus reveals Heavenly Gifts thru Jakob Lorber

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Heavenly Gifts – Vol.1, Chap. 60

A Word to a complacent and very weak One

November 4, 1840

The Lord says:
1. Here we have a thoroughly supple man, one who prefers the great over the small, and more so for the sake of comfort rather than utility. He pays many a visit to those of higher status than him, for the sake of his honor, just to be able to tell others that he was with Mr. or lord such and such and that the person in question had formally reproached him for not having visited sooner. The supple man does this more for the sake of petty prestige than true, inner kindness, and, in addition, he also deals heavily with the female world, courting the charming flesh of the beautiful children of Eve wherever he goes. He thinks highly of old friendships, if they entail the presence of pleasant men, and he does not despise the poor ones either, though only for the sake of his good name. However, new, respectable acquaintances, particularly those of the opposite sex, are to him always preferable over old male ones of the same rank.

2. He is a friend of scholars, and very much holds renowned artists in high regard, but, yet again, more so for the sake of his own honor rather than the honor of the scholars and artists in question, just for him to be considered an insightful individual by those of greater understanding!

3. And so this poor man frequently runs his feet sore out of sheer self-satisfaction, just to do others some petty favor, something no one has ever cared too much for. Yet, even with all his personal affability, he is always more a friend to himself rather than to those who are befriended by him.

4. Despite all these common human shortcomings, however, this man nevertheless possesses a rather good and even half-willing heart, a fairly pure appreciation for My descending grace, and even a hidden longing for My kingdom. He has begun to increasingly respect the goodness and truth of My kingdom, for his own sake, appreciating it within his heart, a development that has enabled Me to earnestly contemplate him in My love and, should he wish for it, to guide him out of this labyrinth he finds himself in. And so, to this man I say:

5. Cease your worthless, exuberantly diverse visits as much as possible, and instead begin to visit Me, your Father! This will be of much more use to you, temporally and eternally, than all these thousands upon thousands of courtesy visits you have already paid, all in vain.

6. His visits had never entailed any benefits for himself, the visitor grown pesky to many, or for the often utterly worthless receivers of his visits. All any of this achieved was him being praised in their presence, yet frequently laughed and grimaced at behind his back. Of course, he did not see any of this, but I see and hear everything!

7. However, for him to realize that he is incredibly stupid still, the judgement of those belonging to the better ones shall be made known to him as well, a reward for his many years of effort. What do they say? Nothing except that he is fine, but a fool nonetheless, wholly ignorant and stupid, one who may be likened to a well-known and indulgent pack animal, always willingly submitting itself to all manner of abuse for nothing but the worst food.

8. This is the reward for this industrious man’s efforts, racing from house to house just to be struck in his back with a myriad of spiritual and material blows! Oh of the weak!

9. I shall not touch on all the inconveniences this foolishness has brought upon him… What has been said shall merely reveal to him how he could have avoided such severe hardship, if only he had at least heeded the good advice of his few true friends, those who are My friends as well. If only he had sat down at Jacob’s well to drink from the water of life therein, and paid Me, his eternal and holy Father, a befitting visit, in peaceful serenity.

10. But that would make him melancholic! Well understood! But how come he does not grow melancholic while he races breathlessly from one female to another, scattering his natural love in the process and perhaps even finally suffocating in the deathly mire of such madness?

11. He shall answer this question to Me: How is it you have not married any fair maiden as of yet? Considering you have courted thousands already, having lied about marriage to several of them on many an occasion, and this way, even during your earlier years, you have seduced quite a few underage girls! What excuse could you possibly give Me, that it may cleanse you in My eyes, and that My holiness may not condemn you!?

12. I tell you, you better not answer! For each and every one of your answers would condemn you! And if you were to tell Me: “I have not yet found the right one, her without fault!” There I say: O false judge! Why spy so carefully for the splinters in the eyes of the girls, all the while refusing to grow aware of the veritable log, yes, even multiple of them, in your own eyes!? Because you fear being deceived by them. Why did you not fear that they would be deceived by you instead, made unhappy by you? Therefore, depart from Me, you egotistical narcissist! For all the girls have emerged from My love just as good as you! So why then were they not right for you? I say, because even in their weakness, they were all better than you!

13. And so, do not answer, and instead keep silent, in penitent humility, lest your answer condemns you. And should you wish to say: “My income was too meager for me to be able to have a wife and sustain her!” I would answer you thus: Hear! Since you assessed your income and found it to be lacking, why then did you not assess your lack of abilities and your oversized standards as well, even the excess of your sensual desires, considering you longingly gazed at the luxuriant happiness of the great and rich ones of the world. You yearned to be like those who possessed what you desired, but since it did not work out that way, you preferred to not have a wife, and in its stead unabated fornication!?

14. O, behold, there still is an abundance of poor and good girls, of whom you know several quite well, so why not wed any of them? You would say: “Because neither she nor I possess the means to make it possible!” But supposing you were rich! Yes, then you would look down on even a princess as pityingly and sensually as you do now on a lowly maid, she who is nonetheless My daughter as well.

15. Now, for you to realize that this is indeed the case, I will draw your attention to the secret fantasies of your thoughts, within which you would enter a world of the most brilliant circumstances of earthly life, by way of all kinds of grandiose and romantic reveries; and once you had reached a summit, you would snatch the most beautiful and charming girls, like a sultan! Yes, you frequently obscured your imagined greatness and elevation and, as you tend to put it, while “incognito” crept up to some maiden, who once called it off with you, and asked for her hand in marriage. But since, in your dream, she refused you her hand once again, you revealed to this brittle one your fantastic, sultanic and imperial dignity, spurning the beautiful one now humiliated by such a revelation. She takes stock of herself, and you delighted in seeing her weep and wring her hands towards you, now a great emperor.

16. O behold, such thoughts are a faithful mirror, revealing to man precisely the direction of his desires and the tendency of his love, being based on nothing but imperiousness, the root cause for all damnation! And so, do not answer, lest you corner and condemn yourself with your foolish excuse!

17. Or would you like to say: “I cannot marry a commoner, for I am an educated man, a royal and imperial civil servant with a myriad of pleasant acquaintances! What would they say to all this?” But I say: There is no woman in the entire city so ordinary that she would be too plain for you, although you would wish to leave out of anger if someone other than Myself were to admit this truth to you. For behold, a common whore regularly only resorts to being such out of a twofold need, namely, a spiritual need and the need of the body, the demands of the stomach as well as the satisfaction of the natural, carnal instinct, whose premature development and unscrupulous promotion has only lead the poor, abandoned and now despised whore to courtiers such as yourself.

In her weakness she quickly came to believe the sugary words flowing from the lips of a sweet courtier like you, a hyena who unscrupulously poured one satanic kindness after the other into the receptive breast of a luscious twelve-year-old girl, like poisonous daggers, gazing at the spiritually bleeding girl with eager, lustful eyes, lying in wait like a tiger for the next best opportunity to inflict upon the miserable, weak and exasperated one the first sting of death, to then be able to elevate himself and say: “Well, she sure will make a fine whore, considering she already lets everything happen to her!”

18. Behold, you have spoiled her nature with such iniquity, you hyena, you tiger! How dare you still speak thus in My presence: “I cannot abide such feminine commonness!”?

19. And so you better do not answer, lest your excuse become a millstone, to be placed upon your neck and with which you would be sunk to the bottom of the sea!

20. But should you wish to say: “I am not satisfied with a poor woman!” I say: You are not even worthy of a poor woman. For the poor are My daughters. Woe to those who deceive and belittle them! The hearts of those shall grow as dull as a stone, so they may never be moved again by the gentle gaze of such a poor woman. Such wicked men shall remain wife- and childless until the end of their days, their vile names buried with them!

21. Yet he who weds a poor woman out of love, has Me as his Father-in-law, and he will enjoy My blessing! It is better anyway for the poor to marry than for the rich to do so. For the poor, in their time of need, remember Me, their Father, and always seek help from Me when they suffer hardship, whereas most rich individuals hardly know Me by name and, should they suffer hardship, will despair and not seldom resort to suicide. Behold, therefore, answer not, lest you be condemned for your foolish excuse!

22. And should you wish to say: “Unpleasant experiences have deterred me. What I have seen elsewhere has spoiled my appetite for marriage!” But I say: Cursed be he who excuses himself thus! For he openly reveals himself to be an egotistical despiser of the weak female sex. His conscience cries out to him: Because you know very well how little you are worth, and how unfaithful you have always been in all spheres of your life, you would rather have your freedom than a poor but blessed marriage, the only thing that could bring about spiritual order within you!

23. For if you were to think as a true Christian man should within his heart, you would say: “O Lord! I am a great debtor to You! Have pity on me, a man who exceedingly loves himself, wicked beyond measure! For in my ignorance I have gravely sinned against You, against all Your weak children. I myself have now grown weaker than all those whom I formerly thought to be weak, a consequence of my boundless, wayward folly!

24. That is why I beg You most earnestly to once again graciously gaze upon me in Your infinite love, to bestow upon me an honest mind, so I may come to understand the true human value of Your maidens, that I not remain blind, as I was until now, seeking value only in wealth, youthful beauty, elusive faithfulness and utter dependece, just like the wicked world. Truly, in accordance with my great self-love, I was a jealous and foolish donkey indeed!

25. O Lord, now that I understand my great error, be merciful and gracious to me, a poor sinner, and allow me to rediscover what I have despised in my wicked, perverse heart for so long. I have never been one to be drawn by the spirit, but always by the flesh, and so I know that, up until now, I have always merely been of the flesh, and not of the spirit. Therefore, O Lord, allow me to find a righteous flesh that is pleasing to You, that I may be purified in it, and that I may one day arise therefrom in the spirit, according to Your holy will! Amen.”

26. Behold, this excuse, truly an apology, is better than the rest, for in it alone prevails life instead of death!

27. However, with all this I do not mean or wish to impose upon you a duty to marry, should you have better reasons to remain single, namely out of pure love for Me, that is, of course, if you are capable thereof, withdrawing from the world you so frequently insist on visiting. Nevertheless, all this shall serve to earnestly advise you to repent, so you might finally realize how often you were wrong, how diligently you endeavoured to grossly defer all your guilt to others. Think carefully on this, whether or not this would have ever been approved by Me in all eternity?

28. Thus I have shown you what is necessary through My poor servant, who cannot know of himself what is right and what is wrong, since he himself is neither right nor wrong, and who knows what he knows only through Me, by a great, undeserved and special grace, not for his own sake, but for the sake of others. It is thus so that the others may be judged in their hearts through him and, in the end, he through them, and so that you too may be judged in your flesh, to thereby escape the eternal judgment of the spirit.

29. He who wishes to be accepted into My new kingdom must first be judged, that he may cleanse himself wholly of the old mire of his accustomed foolishness! But, however, you are still utterly foolish and confused. That is also why there was so much to judge in your case, and there will still be much more to judge before your name is fully recorded in the great book of life. Therefore, take heed of this word addressed to you! It is a new word of life, brimming with light, truth and love!

30. So, should it be your wish to live, properly wed some girl, and I will bless you with My peace. This way you will make one small sacrifice within yourself for the many sacrifices of female fidelity! Have no fear of being deceived; rather fear that you do not deceive anyone with yourself! Keep not your sights on your own advantage as much as the advantage of her you wish to have entrusted to you! That is when you will do well, for a short time in this life, and then for eternity in the beyond.

31. Do you think you will live for another fifty years? Or should you not rather think that every second of your earthly life is in My hands, that I may either lengthen or shorten anyone’s life according to one’s obedient behaviour? For I alone know when the fruit is ripe, either one way or the other!

32. So, consider, which is better: To be the way you are now, or to turn to Me and renounce everything, out of a pure love for Me? Behold, you may do so! But then, remember that a lax service will not do at all, if you were to believe that you would keep your freedom by doing so.

33. For behold, even in your supposed freedom, you are nothing but a slave to your flesh, your desires and your unfettered worldly lust among men, with whom you enjoy discussing mad ideas, laughing at your own follies thereafter.

34. No, your flesh, your desires, all of it must be made subservient to you, bidding a definitive farewell to all your mad habits and turning to Me at once in everything! Listen! I do say at once! For from now on every hesitation would be counted against you.

35. Now, in your weakness, decide for yourself which of these options would be easier and more beneficial. I shall give you no further advice as to what you should do. I will merely tell you this: The reward you receive will equal the obedience you display.

36. So do what you want! I do not care one way or the other. But I do advise you not to remain as you are now!

37. Behold, you too have been weary all day long. So, may you too now enter My vineyard and work therein for the last hour of the day! I will grant you what is appropriate one day. Amen. This say I, the eternal love and truth Myself! Amen.

38. This postscript, like all the others, must be added to the “collection of adverbs”, to be read aloud to the unnamed one in a specially appointed meeting, of which he should not be ashamed, but rather joyful, should he wish to become a seventh disciple. He will know when I pronounce his name.

39. However, should he, as he is in the habit of doing, seek to justify himself therefore, let him know how far he still is from My kingdom, and how unfit he still is to be a disciple!

40. For to whom I say many things, I will give many things as well, and should he do My will, I have already given him many things by telling him many things. For if the chief architect lays a broad and wide foundation, he will certainly not want to erect upon it a snail’s shell, but rather a building befitting the foundation. Now, if even an earthly architect behaves as such, then how much more will I do, for I am the mightiest master builder, the all-understanding architect of infinity!

41. So, may the unnamed one not feel ashamed, and let him instead rejoice greatly! For I do not bestow such gifts in vain! All who wish to be eternally glorified by Me must first be revealed to the world, glorifying My name in their humility.

42. I ask very little of you, but the reward therefore will be infinite! So, rejoice, all of you, that I ask such of you, for My kingdom shall have no end. Amen. This say I, Father and Lord of you all! Amen.

Thanksgiving Prayer of the servant
43. And I, a sinful, worthless, truly the worst of servants, dare to add in my great dishonesty:

44. Glory, praise and thanks be to You, o most holy, greatest Father, offered to You by our weak, impure hearts! O purify us all with the holy power of Your infinite love and mercy! That we may one day, o You greatest, most holy Father, be worthy and holy enough ourselves to thank and praise You, moreso than has hitherto been possible throughout the great night of our sins!

45. O most holy, greatest Father, let us give thanks as well for the glorious gift of this new brother given to us in Your most holy name! O, may Your most holy name be praised therefore! Glory to You, Father, to the Son and to the Holy Spirit within and out of You, for ever and ever! Amen.

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