Stuart Talbott: Filamentary Discharge on Asteroid Dimorphos | Thunderbolts

10 months ago

Nov 19, 2023
Stuart Talbott: Filamentary Discharge on Asteroid Dimorphos | Thunderbolts
Further analysis of the seemingly anomalous phenomena associated with NASA's Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission in September 2022. The 1,300 pound spacecraft crashed into asteroid Dimorphus at approximately 14,000 miles per hour.

It's been found that the eruption of material from Dimorphus—which continued for weeks after the kinetic impact—was responsible for most of the change in the asteroid's orbit. The escaping dust transferred way more momentum than the impact itself.

Of course a mechanical explosion on an electrically inert rock in the near perfect vacuum of space was predicted to only produce a diffused debris cloud.

Independent researcher Stuart Talbott asks us to consult our own lying eyes that the filaments exploded from asteroid Dimorphus are in the form of filaments in an electrical discharge as observed in the plasma laboratory. Or is it a mere coincidence?

October 8, 2023
Stuart Talbott: DART Strikes Electric Asteroid | Thunderbolts

• Stuart Talbott: DART Strikes Electric...

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