Vaccine Manufacturers: The Most Protected Companies in America - Aaron Siri (FULL)

1 year ago

This FULL 2 part interview was released by Epoch TV in Feb. 2023
“When we finally had that data, you got a sense of why they didn’t want the public to have it, because it showed that 7.7 percent of the over 10 million V-safe users reported needing medical care after a COVID-19 vaccine.”

Part 1:
Why Are Vaccine Manufacturers the Most Protected Companies in America?Aaron Siri:

Aaron Siri, managing partner at Siri & Glimstad, has led several high-profile lawsuits against vaccine manufacturers and federal health agencies since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“If they prevail … in five to 10 years, what will happen is it will reset the normal health baseline in America for heart issues, cardiovascular issues, right? That will be the new normal,” Siri says.

In this comprehensive two-part interview, Aaron Siri breaks down how vaccine manufacturers secured unprecedented protections from liability three decades ago.

“There is no other product that I’m aware of that is afforded this level of protection,” Siri explains. “When you look around you, all the products you experience every day, they’re safer because the manufacturer is worried about liability.”

Siri was always told that vaccines are safe. But if a product is safe, he explains—at least in the way that public health agencies project it to be safe to the public—the injuries would be exceedingly rare, and thus, there would be no need for the manufacturer to be granted immunity from liability.

“They were going to stop producing those vaccines because they could not make a profit because the amount of liability they had to pay exceeded the revenue,” Siri says. “You learn things along the way that you just can’t unlearn.”

Part 2:
How the Vaccine Paradigm Has Led to Medical Coercion and Conflicted Health Agencies:
“I was always told that vaccines are safe. And if a product is safe, why do you need to give the manufacturer … essentially immunity to liability for the injuries that that product causes? Because if it’s safe, certainly in the way that our public health authorities project it safe to the public, there shouldn’t be any injuries, or there should be one in a million, as you often hear.”
“COVID vaccines didn’t enter into a vacuum. They were rolled into a very long established paradigm and way things are done,” says Siri. “They had a narrative around natural immunity that they determined fit in with their policy. And then the studies followed to make it fit.”

In part two, we discuss natural immunity from COVID-19 and what he discovered in the clinical safety trials of other vaccines, such as one of the Hepatitis B products: “147 kids. Five days of safety monitoring after injection. There’s no indication there was a control group,” says Siri.

“COVID-19 vaccines—they were called ‘rushed.’ They said the clinical trials were rushed. They said development was rushed. But the reality is the clinical trials for the COVID-19 vaccines that the average American received, compared to the clinical trials for almost every childhood vaccine, were the most robust studies that have been done on vaccines.”

We also look at the conflicts of interest between America’s health agencies and pharmaceutical companies.

“Think about this business model. You have a vaccine. You can’t be sued for harms. You have a guaranteed market because kids are required to get it for school. And your health agencies promote it for you and defend against any harm,” says Siri.

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