BCP: What heresies and nonsense German bishop Overbeck uttered at Synod

1 year ago

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Quoting Overbeck: “Many people have asked me, ‘Are you still Catholics and part of the Catholic Church?’ And I say, ‘Yes, of course, we are Catholics, and we are here to stay.’”
Overbeck can safely say that the participants of the German Synodal Way are Catholics. Why? Because the leading position in the Catholic Church is occupied by Jorge Bergoglio, who has publicly excluded himself from the Church of Christ acc. Gal 1:8-9 for promoting sodomy and for publicly dedicating himself to Satan in Canada. Overbeck is a Catholic à la Bergoglio, and so are all others who submit to them. Such pseudo Catholics, however, end up in hell.
If the German pseudo-gospel had been preached by missionaries in Mexico, the Aztecs would publicly offer human sacrifices to this day and the cannibals and their shamans in Africa would still be profiting, while saying demonstratively: We are Catholics, and we are here to stay.
Quoting the media: “To justify the German Synodal Way, Overbeck asserted that the process was responding to the uniquely ‘post-secular’ context of German culture, in which ‘people have no idea’ about transcendence, the Church, or Jesus Christ.”
What is the good of such post-secular Church, which has fully submitted to the post-secular context of German culture? Such a pseudo Church has no idea about the Gospel of Christ and does not lead people to salvation. It may be put on the same footing as a pigeon fanciers club or a friends of beer and sodomy party. The fruit of this Church is, as Overbeck admitted, that in his 13 years as Bishop of Essen he has only ordained 15 new priests, while 300 priests have died, and the Diocese of Essen currently has no seminarians in formation. Half a million Catholics left the Catholic Church in Germany in one year. Through the Synod, this agenda of ecclesiastical undertakers is to become binding on the entire Catholic world.
Quoting the media: “Overbeck refers to Germany’s particular situation which ‘changes the entire framework for the questions we are carrying out’.”
Overbeck refers to Germany’s particular situation which, he says, is the reason for changing the entire framework for the questions. This means that it changes the whole Catholic teaching in its essence. Overbeck himself has shown us the fruit. His Diocese of Essen currently has no seminarians in formation and its door is wide open for Islamization. Islam, however, deals with the issue of same-sex marriage very briskly – such pseudo married couples are soon hoisted on cranes with nooses around their necks as a warning example to all people.
Quoting the media: “Overbeck says that if Catholic teaching is in contradiction with ‘the signs of the times,’ then ‘nobody is going to be convinced’ by the Church’s guidance.”
The Gospel of Christ is in contradiction with the spirit of the world at all times. In Overbeck’s view, one of the signs of the times is sodomy treated in a decadent society as a privilege and no longer as a sin. In order to avoid contradiction, it must become a privilege in the Church too. If not, ‘nobody is going to be convinced’. With such mindset, Overbeck would be branded by the Apostle Paul as a false worker, a servant of Satan, disguising himself as a servant of righteousness (2Cor 11:13-15).
Quoting the media: “Overbeck also said that the Church must keep Christ at the centre but set aside its ‘habit and tradition’ to meet contemporary needs.”
It is as if to say that man must keep the preservation of life at the centre but, considering the climate changes, set aside the tradition of exhaling CO2 and the habit of eating and drinking. The meeting of contemporary needs in this way results in death. This is Overbeck’s vision in relation to the Church. Overbeck has actually revealed that his Christ is in fact the antichrist, whom he keeps at the centre.
Quoting the media: “Overbeck has previously said that the Synod on Synodality must take up the proposals advanced by the German Synodal Way, ‘from the role of women to the question of sexuality and the question of people who love each other’.”
These proposals about the so-called role of women, the question of sexuality and sodomites who so-to-say love each other are ones leading to mass self-destruction of the whole Church and calling down fire from heaven on the entire humanity because of rebellion against God and an abuse of the highest ecclesiastical authority resulting in the Church’s spiritual suicide.
Quoting the media: “Overbeck expressed the hope that ‘he may also be taking something from the Synod on Synodality back to Germany’.”
This apparently means that the Synod in Rome will reach such suicidal conclusions that even the apostate Catholics of Germany will gladly learn from it and rush ever faster into the abyss. In no way can these apostates be the norm for true restoration of the Church! Overbeck has revealed the character and spirit of the Vatican Synod behind closed doors. The participants were brainwashed throughout the month with the aim of changing their mindset and legalizing sodomy. It is known that similar methods are used by destructive sects.
From Overbeck’s statement to the media it follows that such pseudo-Catholic Church conforming to the post-secular context of German culture is not the Church of Christ but the synagogue of Satan. Of course, it does not preach repentance and the Gospel of salvation, but preaches a sodomite and climate anti-gospel and enthrones the Pachamama demon in the Vatican.
When the holy hermit Agathon was unjustly slandered for great sins, he humbly fell on his knees and said: “I observe all iniquities on myself. Pray, brothers, that the Lord Jesus will forgive me.” Then he added: “But I am not a heretic. A heretic has separated himself from God, and such a one will perish.” Both the synodal path of Bergoglio’s sect and the path of the German heretics who have separated themselves from God end in hell.
What specifically should Catholics do in this time of deep crisis? We have the example of millions of martyrs and saints who remained faithful to Christ and did not bow their knees to the Baal of the world. Where did they get the strength? In prayer. Let us therefore set aside a fixed time for prayer every day. The family should pray together daily from 8 to 9pm. At the beginning, in penitent prayer, they should become aware of the reality of sin and the reality of Christ’s redemptive death on the cross. We were immersed by baptism in Christ’s death, and received new life. (Rom 6:3) We need to develop this life through the prayer of faith and keeping God’s commandments. This is not possible without repentance. Jesus said: “Repentance for the forgiveness of sins will be proclaimed, beginning from Jerusalem,” and He added: “Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned.”

+ Elijah
Patriarch of the Byzantine Catholic Patriarchate

+ Methodius OSBMr + Timothy OSBMr
Secretary Bishops

28 October 2023

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