Insaneing the Money Revolution - Blood $atellite

10 months ago

Dimes and Judas continue their discussion on the history of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and a wild plan to supercharge the next century, citing the book “The Money Revolution” by Richard Duncan. Here they dissect the story of the Federal Reserve, the rise of creditism over capitalism, and how America could win the current international technological arms race with aggressive investment.

Taken from Episode #230 – In a Bear Market, there’s Always Room for Barted Bull Trading

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0:0 – The Intergenerational Dysgenic Impact of Microplastics

22:06 – DARPA AI Scanning for Subtle Antisocial Behavior

32:17 – “The Money Revolution” Discussion Begins

37:50 – The Obstacle of Infinite Economic Growth

42:29 – How Central Banking Works

51:19 – Identifying Productive Forces to Prevent Inflation

59:20 – What Fiat Currency Is and the Rise of Creditism

1:08:30 – The 2008 Financial Collapse as a Case Study of MMT

1:16:14 – The MMT Plan to Win the International Technology Arms Race

1:27:49 – The Judas Plan to Win the International Technology Arms Race

1:29:46 – A Proposed Structure for Investment

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