Surah Al Qadr: The Night Better Than a Thousand Months English Translation | قراءة سورة القدر

1 year ago

Surah Al Qadr: The Night Better Than a Thousand Months English Translation | قراءة سورة القدر.

Immerse yourself in the recitation of Surah Al-Qadr, a short yet profound chapter from the Quran. This video presents the Arabic recitation alongside an English translation, allowing you to grasp the essence of this powerful chapter. Discover the significance of the Night of Power, a night of immense blessings and spiritual rejuvenation. Embrace the message of seeking forgiveness and devoting oneself to the worship of Allah SWT.

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surah al-qadr
surah al qadr
surat al qadr
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surah qadr qirat
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surah al qadr sudais
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سورة القدر ماهر المعيقلي
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