There are places that keep great secrets! Paranapiacaba is one of those places

1 year ago

There are places that keep great secrets!

Paranapiacaba is one of those places

The dense fog that covers the whole city, the darkness that arrives and leaves this air of mystery...

In addition to many stories that rest on its rails and tunnels, its wooden bridges, which pop, even without anyone crossing.

Or even a story, of a bride who threw herself from that bridge, when she was rejected by the groom's family?

A ghost train, which haunts those close to the tracks.

And the souls of workers, who died during the construction of the railroad.

Perhaps the lights that come from the little castle of Paranapiacaba also shade and make the residents retreat before six.

Maybe the indigenous Peabiru trail that cuts through Paranapiacaba and ends in Cusco, Peru.

"Not all stories are legends!"


O Mistério de Paranapiacaba - Parte 2 #investigacaosobrenatural #paranapiacaba #misteriosrevelados

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