Wendy's Mission To Inform Churches

1 year ago

Let Kids Be Kids growing speaker network reaches the Christian community (churches and schools)

As we are awakening to the depth of our situation with the political gender ideology, more brave souls are putting everything they can into helping raise awareness and support those in our community who are in positions of influence.
Wendy is committed to sharing the truth to the church, and communities.

Topics included in this chat:
- Teaching creativity and the arts
- Homeschooling and do they get the RSE curriculum?
- Helping church leaders to understand the RSE political agenda
- Informing Christian school staff and providing support
- Acknowledging the challenges of addressing our apathy and silence, and speaking up now
- Finding our voices and joining the LKBK speaker and wider parent/grandparent network.


If you would like to reach out to Wendy or Let Kids Be Kids - go to https://letkidsbekids.nz/contact/

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