Ukrainian Civilians Stripped, Tied-Up and Beaten by Vigilantes in Shocking Videos - News.Com.Au 2022

1 year ago

Ukrainian Civilians Stripped, Tied-Up and Beaten by Vigilantes in Shocking Videos, News.Com.Au

Horrifying videos show Ukrainian civilians – including women and children – being tied up, stripped and beaten in apparent vigilante attacks.

Frank Chung
March 23, 2022

WARNING: Distressing content

A series of horrifying videos published on social media show Ukrainian civilians – including women and children – being tied up, stripped and beaten in apparent vigilante attacks.

Since Russia’s invasion last month, reports have emerged of humiliating public punishments dished out by Ukrainians to alleged looters and saboteurs, with several photos showing people tied to poles with their pants pulled down going viral online.

Reporting on one such image, the Daily Mail said it showed “how proud Ukrainians are fighting back against lawless criminals wanting to take advantage of the ongoing chaos”.

But a series of video clips, which depict savage beatings being doled out to the immobilised victims by alleged paramilitary groups and members of the public, paint the practice in a grim new light.

#ukraine #russia

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