Day 1: Why Do We Need A Better Story For Our Time

1 year ago

What a day it has been. ARC started today with a bang! On this the first of three days, we asked the question: is there a better story for our societies? At a time of declinism, can we develop a vision which will bring courage, strength and hope?

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ARC, the Alliance for Responsible Citizenship, is a global community with a vision of a world where every citizen can prosper, contribute, and flourish.

Join us in building this narrative, rejecting the notion of inevitable decline. Instead, let's seek solutions that tap into humanity's highest virtues and remarkable capacity for innovation and ingenuity.

The Alliance for Responsible Citizenship has also published several research papers that accompanied the 2023 conference. If you'd like to go deeper into the ideas from the conference, please read our research papers here:

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