Famine? OR Abundance?

1 year ago

Lets go!
This life does not have to be sooooo hard!
We can all help each other we can insure a better tomorrow!
Why are so many scared to come on the podcast?
To busy? To self serving? What might this be I wonder... Do I smell? lol
Is it not big enough for some to even consider? Don't you think by coming on it could help 1 person? Is that 1 person important enough for you to give your time?
This life is truly bigger than you or I! Think about it every single person that lived generations before is NO more... Doesn't this make the most important thing we could do today simple? By helping those around us to the best of our abilities... Wont this truly lead to leaving behind that much better of a place than we were born into?

Love you guys!
Bless you all!!!

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