their instinctual needs have turned into barf

1 year ago

it requires my mentioning once more
the fraction of actual emotion is too small to be trusted
how do they know how they really feel
you never stop researching
clout clout clout mfing clout
let's pretend that people might take my advice
they just do everything w/ impunity, unconsciously
maybe i'm too conscious to enjoy the stuff you enjoy
i dig this synth sound
any sound that makes me go ooooooh...
this is called indecision
would rather hang out w/ a tree
i'll always be this way tho
who am i to assume what your life is all about
they're not aware of much
everything is porn
comments about comments is gossip
are you 12 yrs old in the girl's restroom
i'm allowed to have this perspective
i hate smugness fo real
sumin serious is goin on...
once again we understand how this appears to the general public
i'm allowed to be angry damnit

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