Injection Recovery Protocols & Finding Forgiveness for Perpetrators of Evil w/ Jonathan Otto #418

1 year ago

My guest today is Jonathan Otto, an investigative journalist, filmmaker, and humanitarian. His upcoming work, the Unbreakable Series, is a brave nine-part exploration of never-before-seen truth as it relates to the plandemic and its so-called solutions. In this one, we explore some powerful and creative solutions to the issues we face both on a physical and metaphysical level.

You are in for some mind blowing information about the medical/media tyranny we are currently experiencing. But fear not my friends – yes, Jonathan lays out all kinds of reasons to be fearful, pissed off, even hopeless – he also provides the one divine solution and true combatant to all of these things: love (and how to wield it for good).

This one goes far beyond the fear porn and rage common in the truth movement. Stay tuned and keep an open mind. It might just save your life.

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The Life Stylist Podcast is a show for people who are dedicated to living life at the highest level of human potential. Our host Luke Storey brings you the most thought-provoking interviews with the biggest experts in the fields of health, spirituality, and personal development. Past guests have included Bulletproof Coffee inventor Dave Asprey, relationship guru John Gray, rewilding expert Daniel Vitalis, biohacking super-genius Dr. Jack Kruse, health food wiz David Wolfe, and fitness master Ben Greenfield.

The show covers an ever-expanding range of topics including sex and relationships, yoga, meditation, smart drugs, health myths and medical conspiracies, spirituality, mindfulness, health food and supplementation, herbs and alternative medicine, and digs deep into biohacking technologies and tactics. Luke Storey is a former celebrity fashion stylist- turned public speaker, thought leader and entrepreneur, who has spent the past 20 years relentlessly searching the world over to design the ultimate lifestyle through his extensive, and sometimes even dangerous, personal research and development. Using The Life Stylist Podcast as his delivery platform, Luke continues to share his strategies for healing, happiness, and high-performance living each week so that you the listener can use this knowledge to design YOUR ultimate lifestyle.

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